Monday, June 12, 2006

New friends, going home to God and birthmarks

Hi again!
I am always amazed at how quick my kids are at pointing me right back to Christ. Over the weekend of the wedding, the crazy Friday, it was my kids who asked how come we hadn't invited Jesus to be a part of our schedule yet and this weekend it was Hannah who asked when we would be home with God.
I had been trying to regain some order to our home this weekend and trying to keep the kids from being bored. Saturday we were in Hannah's room reading our morning devotion and reading our memory verse when she asked when we would get to go home with God. I took us to Psalms 139 to read about how God had specially formed us and knew everything about us, including when we would be home with Him. We talked about how God saw our thoughts and could see us when we were in our mommy's tummys. Nathan asked how God knew we were finished and I said that I had heard a funny story about how birthmarks were where God kissed you when He was finished and saw that you were good. Now, I have a big birthmark on my calve, so I could show the kids mine. That proceeded into a birthmark show and tell. Now, I have know where my kids marks were since they were small, so it was fun to remind them. Nathan's is at his hair line on the right side of his head and Hannah's is on her left hip.
So of course, when Chris gets home from work, their first words to him are, "Show us where God kissed you." He was a little baffled until I explained.
I am anxious to see what else they will discover in our morning devos this summer, as they have been so curious lately.
Sunday we woke up early to attend the 8am service together since Chris had to work. He found out when he returned after vacation that 3 of his employees had either quit or turned in their 2 week notices. He was a little frustrated because he was hoping to be able to take his lunch hour Sunday and join us at the dinner for Mark and Rachel. Anyways, we went to church and then went home so he could run to work and we could prepare our side dishes for the dinner. We made up our macaroni and cheese and then laid down to rest for a half hour before heading to the church. The dinner was really nice and I think just about anyone who cares for the Bond's at least shed one tear. They have such a special place in Chris and I 's heart because they were the first people to welcome us to St. Joseph and anytime we have ever needed them, they have been so faithful to show us Christ. We feel like we owe them so much and yet we know the best we can give them is our friendship and our prayers. As God moves them to another community and church, we are excited to see and hear how He will move them and grow them. We know from personal experience in the moves we have made that when God is behind them, amazing things happen. We were talking about the sheer coincidence that most of our friends have some conneciton now to Joplin and wondered what that meant. Matt and Shanna Myers were Ozarkians, as well as Chris Coker, Eric Koenig, Clay and Jenn Atchley, Melissa Plunk. Our friends Jon and Sara Hill live there and now Mark and Rachel. Joplin has its own specialness to Chris and I because it is where we met and fell in love.
Anyways, the dinner was great and we are praying this next week is good for them as the move happens. My prayer especially is for their girls who are doing such an amazing job hanging in there. Sunday afternoon, we came home and played with Brett, Abram and their nephew Jamison. Bedtime to follow. Then today we went over to introduce ourselves to some people across the street who have two girls and a boy. We played most of the early afternoon with them and making ourselves aquainted. Dionelle, Andrea, Cassoday and Emily. It will be nice to continue to grow a friendship there and play and be a light to them.
To finish out the day, Nathan had a T-ball game and we read books after baths. Tomorrow we will probably head over to Mark and Rachels to see if they need anything or help before they head out. Other than that, my goal is to finish the living room and hall and vaccuum. Yahoo!!
Until next time, all my heart goes to all of you who read this!

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