Tuesday, May 02, 2006

What a day!!

Hello all!
We had quite a day today. It was the children's fair at the Civic center today. The theme was Curious George. We all had a good time.
I am going to start, however, with other stuff. First of all, Nathan has discovered his first loose tooth. It is his bottom left. He is really excited and is wiggling it almost all the time. He calls it his "flippy" tooth. Another first in the life of a 5 year old.
Also, he has been dealing with a bully at school. Something you all might pray about. Last Friday he had a boy cut his shirt. The incident was discussed with the teacher and we thought all was good, but Monday when he came home from school, his lunch box was still full and he wasn't himself. After prying it out of him, the same kid who cut his shirt was hitting him in the back repeatedly during the first part of the morning, teasing him that he was short. He has bruises to bear the marks. It completely shattered his day and it took us a while to figure out what was up. We are going to visit with Ms. Catherine tomorrow about it.
So today was nice, to do some family things and not think about yesterday.
We got goodie bags to start with and then went to the main floor. Upon arriving, we entered this air bubble where the librarian from one of the public libraries read a Curious George book. They had a petting zoo we visited as well as a train safety booth (which by the way was the talk of the rest of the day). They also had the police men there and you could get into their vehicle. You could make finger puppets and your own yellow hats. There was a fire engine to climb on and a tepee to get inside. They also had a bunch of swimming pools filled with all kinds of stuff. Macaroni, salt, beans, potato flakes, and ice that you could dig around in. They had a wildlife area, where you could climb into this air tent and see several stages of frogs growing. Finally, they had this obstacle course you could run around in. The kids had a blast.
Oh, I forgot, we started the day by having a picnic on the top of the parking garage. It was kind of cool. You could see the whole city while eating your sandwiches.
After we were done there, we came home and grabbed our bikes and went to the Riverwalk. Chris and Nathan rode their bikes one way and Hannah and I walked it and then on the way back, Nathan and I rode bikes and Chris and Hannah walked. We came home to eat spaghetti, do bathes and then we watched a Veggie tales movie about how God wants us to treat bullies.
It gave the verse about how we should love our enemies and pray for those who hurt us. So we finished the night by praying for the kids at school and that God would be glorified in what Nathan did.
I am hoping that everything will go well and that tomorrow ammends will be made. With God, nothing is impossible.
Well, i am struggling to type, so I guess that is my sign to quit and go to bed.
Will write more later this week. Nathan's first T-ball practice is tomorrow as well as Friday is Hannah's urologist appointment.
Until then, all God's blessings to you.

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