Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Another week begins...

Well, it is Tuesday and things are going ok. I woke up Sunday morning to a horrible sore throat and a deep raspy cough. Of all days, I thought. Chris took the kids to church so I could rest.
I slept most of Sunday so I could function Monday, the biggest of all days this week.
We woke up Monday to take Nathan to school before taking Hannah to the hospital for tests. She did really well. We were at the hospital from 8:45-12:00. We will get the results tomorrow. Chris took Hannah out for lunch and I went home to rest until we picked Nathan up from school. After that, he had Kindergarten screening. He did really well. Ranked mostly in a 6-7 year old category. That will place him in a class. They have 3 different classes at Coleman and from what I understand; high, medium and low for their learning ablities.
After that, we had enough time to hang out a little and change our clothes, it was time to head to the "No bug" picnic and Preschool graduation. It was a great night. His class was a hit and the picnic was a lot of fun.
Today we spent time at the park because it was so nice and I thought maybe some fresh air would do me some good. We also had Nathan's first T-ball practice. He got his jersey and all. Of all things, his team is the Cubs. Chris is thrilled.
Anyways, he had a blast and it was so fun to see he and the other little kids hitting and playing catch. It was really sweet! And now my update is up. The rest of the week should be less and so I am off to bed.
I am exhausted. I hope everyone is well where you are and I will write again soon!

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