Thursday, May 25, 2006

Another week gone by..

Ok, so I wasn't as quick as I wanted to be and here it is another week gone by.
I intended on writing on Saturday and now here it is Thursday morning..
Oh well. It will slow down and I know it.
Anyways, so here is another week at the Crosswhite household.
Last Thursday we went to Dr. Evans to have Nathan get his Kindergarten shots. He was really nervous about it. We ended up seeing Dr. Castle, who is the one who has handled most of the situation with Hannah, which by the way, I never finished. The results from the tests she had came back normal. Her kidneys are normal and so is her bladder, so that is good, but there still is no explanation of why she is having trouble. He originally said that if the tests came back negative he would send us on to Children's Mercy, but He got to thinking that maybe she was keeping bacteria in the sides of her bladder and that maybe if she took a medicine, it could help, so she is on it for a couple of months and then he is going to take another urine sample and we will go from there. It is grape flavored and she hates it. Hard to tell if it is doing any good.

Anyways, back to kindergarten shots, he was really brave. He didn't cry and Marcy (Dr. Castle's nurse) was super sweet to him. He has never seen Dr. Castle, but she and Marcy asked him a bunch of questions. Hannah was with us and was glad to see them too.
When he got the shots, he was like "OOOOOOOOOHH" 3 times. Marcy laughed and said she didnt have many kids do that. Most screamed or kicked.
We hung out at home for a while and then packed a picnic and went to Krug Park. We ate and played and then headed to the mall for T-ball pictures. Nathan was pretty sure his arm didn't work because they were full of shots.
Friday was his last day of school. He was sad, yet excited for summer break to start. They had a pizza and ice cream sundae party and threw a going away party for the director by baking her a cake.
Alisha, a friend of mine, came by and we went out to lunch with her. She wanted to take Hannah out for her birthday. We ended up going to Chu's, one of our favorite restaurants, and saw Mark Bond, a friend of ours and the music minister at our church. So Chris got a good visit with him and we got a good visit with Alisha. She came back to the house and Hannah opened her birthday gift from her and we chatted a while. It was nice.
Saturday was a t-ball game. He got to play catcher and also won the game ball. He was pretty excited. It is so much fun to watch them play. They get so funny out on the field. I am so glad he is in that.
Sunday was my last day to teach in the 2's and 3's for the quarter. Hannah was so funny because this was the first sunday being 4. I thought that she would want to stay with me one more week, but she was pretty eager to be in class with Nathan, so she chose to go in that class. She did pretty well, considering that the only class she has known since we have been here is the 2's and 3's. After church we went to Wendy's and saw the Brands. Nathan is pretty sure when he grows up, after making his cross country train trip with Caleb, that he will come back to St. Joe and marry Zoe.
We had chicken, fries and Frostys. Then headed home to think about this week, which was preparation for my sister's wedding.
Monday Chris was off so we started the day by sleeping in and then going to the "train walking place". Chris and Nathan rode their bikes 2 1/2 miles, while Hannah and I strollered it. We got back in time for lunch and then to cleaning the house up and packing our stuff. We made lists of all the things we needed to bring. Tuesday we went to the library to get a plethera of books and then to Walmart to get some necessities for the trip. Tuesday night was another t-ball game and since Chris was off, he got to be a base coach again. However, Nathan was really distracted. We asked him afterwards what was up and he said it was his loose tooth. We looked at it when we got home, and it was just dangling there. So Chris kind of turned it and it fell out. Nathan was kind of shocked, but glad, so he put it in his tooth box and put it under his pillow. He was so excited that he called Grandma Crosswhite in Oklahoma, Papa Crosswhite in Texas, Aunt Karen in Dodge City, and Grandma and Papa Thomas in Kansas before falling asleep. He was pumped that when he woke up, he would find a quarter under his pillow.
Chris went in and just stuck the quarter under his pillow, but in the frenzy to get his quarter, Nathan knocked over the tooth box and so the tooth is missing in action.
It is his bottom left front tooth. He is excited to surprize the family at the wedding with his toothless grin.
And that brings me to yesterday. I spent most of the day on the phone, sadly. Between talking to my sister Mary, who is the bride on Saturday and with my Mom, who was coming up so that we would have room to pick up my brother and his wife from Oregon. Between the phone calls and a run to Hobby Lobby, I was trying to pack the car and finish getting things together. The kids were really patient and considerate since I was off key all day. My parents arrived safely last night, way behind schedule at 11pm. Which ended up being good, because Chris and I got to see the season finale of Lost without being interrupted.
We are headed to Hays this morning after a trip to KCI. Won't be back until Monday evening. Wedding is Saturday evening and then we are headed home via Mom and Dad's to visit cemetaries. Will have a lot to write next week.
Until then, I hope your lives are less crazy and are always glorifying God, who gives us all things!If you will keep us in your prayers as we travel and as we are there to support my sister at her wedding.
Ok, will write again in a week. :-)
(maybe I will get on a schedule of writing once a week, right??:-)

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