Hi all! Sorry it has been a while. It has been a busy week. With all that had happened up until the last time I posted, I am sure you could understand.
Wednesday I went to Nathan's school early to discuss the situation between Nathan and Dillon. She said that she had noticed that Nathan had been more aggressive in class than normal, but didn't completely see the picture. She was used to having him in this set box and he was outside of it. She said she would keep more head up to it. We also had watched the bully movie, so when I picked him up from school, I asked him how his day had gone. He said, "Mom, I stood up to Dillon." I told him I was proud and asked him what happened after he did. He said, "Well, he didn't stop." I reminded him that no matter what, we were supposed to show love to our enemies and pray for those who hurt us.
Then he was supposed to have T-ball practice, but I am assuming it was cancelled because we showed up and no one else was there. We waited for a half an hour, but no one. We thought that even though the field was drenched, we might still get his schedule and coach contact number and such. Anyways, so he was kind of bummed about that. All I could think of was what a bad week he was having, so we went home and played a little baseball in the yard.
Thursday we needed to get the oil changed in the car, so we went to Walmart. What should have been a 30 minute wait turned into a 2 hour ordeal. I can't stand going to Walmart anyways, but I am also a cheap skate and so I can't pass up their less than $20 oil change. We finally made it home and to be honest, I don't remember the rest of the day. Isnt' that sad!
Friday I knew would be insane too, with Hannah going to the urologist. I wanted to keep the day upbeat because I wasn't sure what they would do to her. We had a tea party in her room with all her doll friends. Actually, it was 4 dolls and her play cat Oreo. We had tea (apple juice), cheese, peaches and graham crackers. It was really fun. Then after their party, we played dolls and horses and by then it was time to eat lunch and go.
We got to the urologist and most of the other patients there were older people. It was odd to see her there among a group of people at least 15 times older than her. After Dr. Liertz read over her paperwork, he decided he wants to first run some tests at Heartland to see if there is anything physically wrong with her kidneys and bladder. She had one of the 2 tests she is having when she was admitted for a kidney infection in 2004. It came back negative. The 1st test they are going to fill her bladder via catheter with dye and ultrasound it to see how it drains. The 2nd test they are going to inject dye into her blood stream and see how her body flushes fluid from the top down. If those tests come back showing there is nothing wrong with her organs, then he is going to send her on to Children's Mercy because he says there is positively something wrong for her to have continuous bladder infections and not be taking baths and wiping correctly and not drinking lots of sugary beverages. If the tests do show there is something wrong with her organs, he said he thought he could handle it in his realm of knowledge. He said it was a matter of experience. Children's Mercy would be able to pin point why she would be having troubles without deformities in her organs. So, all that will take place Monday ( of all days!!!!!). She will go in Monday morning and have both of those tests run. We should know by next Wednesday whether or not we are headed to Kansas City for this.
Anyways, after that, we hung out at home. Chris got off at 5 so we had a nice family dinner with chicken, potatoes, corn on the cob, okra and ice cream. After the kids went to bed, I went over to Alisha Vadnais' house ( a good friend of mine). She is moving and needed some help packing boxes before the crew moved her today. It was fun. We had Pepsi and a couple of candy bars and laughed and chit chatted.
Then today, it was the Apple Blossom festival in town with a huge parade. It started at 10 this morning. We got home around 12:45. The theme was movies, so we saw "Wizard of paws" float from the local animal shelter and Sound of music from a local music store and King kong from a real estate place. We saw a bunch of people we knew, either from church, or from Lowes. One of the elders in the church is running for an office in the county and so a bunch of people from church were in that part. Another person associated with the college north of here who knows Sarah Crosswhite and her family saw us too. And then the loss prevention manager at Lowes whose Dad owns a reality in town saw us too. All of them came over and gave us huge handfuls of candy. The kids were pumped about that. It was like, "Hey, they know me and I am special." The kids came home with two HUGE bags of candy. We gave half of it to our neighbors and still have 4 paper bags full. (We thought that maybe Abram could try his first lollypop; He is almost 2 years old) When they(Brett and Amy) got home, they had Abbie with them (their niece). Nathan and Hannah love to have her over. Hannah especially. They dress up in just about everything that is in Hannah's dress up drawer and then play doctor or something. After she went home, we played a little more outside and then came in, did supper and jammies and to bed.
Tomorrow is church and in the afternoon, I need to get goodies prepped to take to the school picnic they are having Monday before Nathan's preschool graduation. I won't have time to do it Monday with the hospical tests and Nathan's kindergarten screening leading up to the picnic.
We are taking deviled eggs and brownies.
I hope this had caught you all up and I just ask that you continue to pray for Nathan at school in regards to the boy bullying him and for Hannah as she goes through all those tests Monday.
Will write more later, probably not until Tuesday when things slow down a little.
Until then, all my love to all of you that I think of so often. My heart and prayers go out to you!!
Good night and later!
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