Ok, well, since I last wrote, so many things have happened. I guess the most logical place to start is at the beginning.
The next day after my last blog, I went to Kansas City to pick up my grandmother from the airport. She had been in Arizona with her brother, Dave. She was early by 15 minutes. As she and I left KCI, it began to snow. We got back to the apartment and we ate some lunch and then it was about time to get Hannah. I let her stay behind, thinking she could use a nap or something. The kids were really excited to have her there. Hannah and her shared a room and it was sweet to see them develop a closer relationship. They talked till probably 9:30 that first night. Then, Thursday, she seemed really tired and out of it. I was worried about her. She didn't get out of bed for the day until about 2pm. Hannah went and laid down with her before she got up. That evening she enjoyed spending time with both kids, having them read to her and stuff.
Friday she went and did the school drop off rounds. Then we met my friend Margret at the mall. She really enjoyed visiting with Margret and Margret wrote me a card thanking me for sharing such a wonderful mentor with her. We were there visiting until noon and then headed home for lunch. Due to the cold weather, she stayed home again while I picked up the kids. Mom and Dad were due in my supper time, so after seeing school work, Grandma and I started in on prepping supper. As we were getting ready to eat, they called, letting us know they were just leaving. So we went ahead and ate and played a couple of board games to occupy the time. They were due by 8. Around 8:15, they called, letting us know it would be another 45 minutes before they would be there. So we put pajamas on the kids and read until they got there a little after 9. By then, Nathan was looking a little pale and felt warm. Took his temp and it was 99.8. Gave him some tylenol and sent him to bed. Checked it again at 10 and it was at 101. By midnight and a dose of motrin later, he spiked at 104.4. I called the nurses hotline here in town that is associated with the emergency room, wondering at what point I should take him into the -15 degree night air to the hospital. She said to keep alternating the tylenol and motrin every hour until it fell and if he went above 105 to take him in.
Luckily, he maxed out there and hung around 102 all weekend. He got up Saturday for breakfast, at 2 bites of cereal and went back to bed and slept until supper time. At supper he ate about 5 bites and was tired again and slept all night. He rested off and on all Sunday and hovered around 101. I took him in to the doctor monday and he said they had seen a lot of that. It was a virus that attacks really quick and spikes a temperature. Once that is over, it is followed by a sinus infection and ear infections. Sure enough, he had both. So he is actually still on it twice a day. He went back to school Tuesday for their 100th day and was ok.
So, Wednesday, I had about 50 loads of laundry to do as well as wash more dishes and general clean up after guests. Thursday, Hannah woke up feeling sick to her stomach, so she slept all day. Since I had done a bunch of house work Wednesday, I took advantage of the situation and slept with her all day, just to catch up a little. When she woke up to get Nathan from school, she still complained of her stomach. I gave her some crackers to nibble on and some gatorade. About 15 minutes later, she threw up all over me, herself and the couch. She went back to bed after a bath and slept the rest of the night. She woke up the following morning feeling great and wanting to go to school. So we let her. She never ran a temp, so I am assuming it was something she ate, or a 24 hour bug.
By then, it was the weekend and so we played all day Saturday, since everyone was well.
Nathan, bless his heart, woke up, got dressed, made his bed, fed Percy, and woke me up to see what his daily job was so that he could be helpful to me. I gave him a hug and told him nothing. His daily job was to play with me.
So we played the game "Guess who". There was a card with a guy on it named Tyler. He has a friend at school named that, so I asked him if that was what Tyler at school would look like when he grew up and he replied, "Well, this guy has black hair. Tyler at school has gray hair, just like Dad." We all laughed about it. Then Hannah noticed something that had Chris' mom's name on it. "Lorna Crosswhite" Since she is our professional reader, she asked what it said. I asked her what she thought and she said, "Llama Crosswhite". We had to call grandma to tell her that she had now become a llama. She laughed.
So, anyways, here we are on another week. Today the kids went to school and I watched Abram. We are getting a winter mix, so school might be cancelled tomorrow. We will wait and see. Temperatures are supposed to drop too. I saw -2 for an actual temp for one day this week, so....
School Valentines party is Wednesday and since I am co-homeroom parent, I got Chris to volunteer his morning, since he has to close. He said he would run the snack table. :-)
Hopefully it will be a slow, uneventful, healthy week.!! I could sure use it.
That is about it. March is looking to be full, so hopefully I will get into a better habit by then.
Hope that all is well with everyone and that you are warm and healthy!!
Until next time, trusting that you are honoring Him in all you say and do!
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