I am sure you all wonder that. At least that is how long it feels like it has been since I have posted.
Well, after finally getting Nathan back to a regular life, we got 7 inches of actual snow. We played in it with Brett and Amy one weekend. That was really fun. I hope that we are making an influence on them, considering they don't have a personal relationship with Christ.
School has been good for both kids. They are doing awesome. We had parent/teacher conference with Hannah's teacher and she is more than ready for kindergarten. She said that she thought the structure of public school would help Hannah to blossom when it comes to her social problem.
Nathan is finally getting his top teeth in. He is so relieved. I think he thought that they were never going to come in. He and his class are learning about living and non-living organisms , so they got a bunch of class pets. He said today that their boy crab died. We asked him if the girl crab was doing ok and he said, "Sure. Ms. Kingery says that if she eats all her vitamins she will have babies. That is how mom's get babies, you know." We laughed about that!
So, Heidi, when you want to start a family, you better stock up on your vitamins!!
Hannah has already been asked to get married. I guess one of the girls for show and tell brought a huge fake diamond ring in. So the 2 boys were asking around who wanted to get married. Noah asked Hannah, "since they were friends". She told him, "No way!" I asked her if that upset him and she said, "No, he just went and asked Alaina. She told him sure." Hope her parents, Tom and Nancy, know about that:-) She also has gotten a couple of class pets. A fish and a snail, named Chuck. We were telling someone at church about them and she said, "Well, we used to have a snail named Chuck, but he had to go back to Walmart." We thought that was hilarious!
Chris has been busy at work. They are doing spring reset. With the huge cold snap and the 2 winter storms, he has had some upset customers because they have had to clearance out all their heaters to bring in patio furniture and grills. We got a really nice electric fireplace for cheap. Looks real, so that is cool. He also got a settlement letter from corporate for when they lost their salary and went to hourly. Someone in the company filed a law suit for back pay and won, so any department manager who has worked for Lowes September of 2001 and on gets any back pay that the company owes them, minus a small fee. It will be interesting to see what he actually gets.
As for me, I am still watching Abram a couple of times a week. Amy has gone to part time, which is nice. She wants to have another baby and work herself into being at home. So, I have applied at the school to substitute teach on Mon, Wed, and Fri. When Hannah goes next fall, I can do it full-time. I have the hours and experience. I am kind of looking forward to it.
Tomorrow I go to Kansas City to pick up my grandma from the airport. She has been in Arizona with her brother, Dave ,visiting family. She is going to be here for the rest of the week. Then Mom and Dad will come up this weekend and take her home. Unless Lorrie has her baby, and then they won't, because they will cover at the farm for John and Joy.
Well, I think that is about all. I want to get some of our snow pictures up, but that will have to be for another day. I am so behind as it is and I am still so very exhausted.
Hope all is well with all of you and would love to hear from you. Leave us a comment or two when you get a chance, just to say hi. We would love to hear it.
Sending all our love to you!!
Hey guys! Long time no talk, but as always, we are updating ourselves with your blog :) It's great to read the updates periodically. Hannah, I will remember to take my vitamins (lots of extras) when Tim and I are ready to have some kiddos. Thanks for the advice, girl! ;) Sounds like things are going well for you all. We are busy here, but enjoying all that we're involved in. The beach was beautiful, we'll blog about it soon. Miss you!! Hugs, T&H :)
Just wanted to say hello! It's always nice to hear what's going on in your lifes. Take care-E
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