Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Wow, has it already been a week?

Hi! Wow, hard to believe it has been another week.
Well, lets see, Vacation Bible School didn't get much better. Hannah continued to dislike it. We tried putting her in a different group, to which they said she cried all night. The last night, she said she really wanted to try again, so we let her. When we picked her up, she was in a totally different group. Chris was furious. We talked to her and the leader of the newest group. Apparently she was manipulating people to get her way. So, we talked to her at home and set down that if she cried to just get her way again, she would get spanked and go to the naughty corner. She hates that. We told her that if she screamed for any reason other than an emergency or if someone was taking her, she would get a spanking and the naughty corner.
As for VBS, we told her she would not go up front with her friends.
We endured the program. Nathan continued to have an awesome time. However, after the whole human enchilada, he couldn't recall anything that was the theme or the stories. All he could remember was the one song they sung every night and that Sarah was really gross.
I am going to mention something to Sarah about it. I came upon my VBS certificate when I was home and saw that I had earned by attending and by memorizing the verse. And my grandma told me a story about that my grandfather never really attended church. His parents were so busy with the farm that he never went. But every summer they let him go to the local Vacation Bible School program. It was through that experience that he came to know Christ and was fed.
I want my children to have a similar story.
Anyways, after VBS, and after the human enchilada thing, Marcy (the McDonalds lady) came up. Her nieces were there and so we caught up and she introduced me to her new baby. Meanwhile, everyone abandons Sarah, who is covered in cheese, beans, and salsa and doesn't know what to do. She says she wishes there was a hose around, and that is when we remember we have a hose in our car that we are taking with to grandma's for the sprinkler. We pull it out and she gets to clean herself off. We laughted about how God provides in all things.
Anyways, we arrived in Ks after that around 10:30.
After visiting with everyone, we hit the beds. Saturday we woke up and headed to the farm to say hi. We played in the sand with Leah and aunt Karen. We saw John and visited with him a little too. Around lunch time, we headed home. The kids were dirty from the sand but had a blast. We got back and ate some lunch. The kids played in the bay window while Mom, Dad, and Karen did a dance party with the Barbie dolls that Hannah had brought with.
I got it on my digital. Dad thought Tim really needed to see it. That it would bring back memories and that he could laugh about what his parents were doing on a Saturday afternoon.
After the dance party ended, Karen decided she wanted to make some Oatmeal scotchies for the family dinner, so she and hannah baked some cookies. Then they all decided a water balloon would be a great way to end the day. With over 100 balloons, we all had a "blast". Supper would follow and then Karen got out her pictures from Nicaragua. It was amazing to see how God showed himself to her in the kids she met. And definately through the minister's wife. Her stories were my favorite part.
We headed to church the next morning and then to Grandma's for dinner.
Erin, and her husband, Tryon were there. Joy, John, Leah and Lorrie as well. Yachel was in Colorado doing a government fencing job. WE had taco burgers, potato salad, fresh fruit, deviled eggs, and apple cake. Karen showed everyone her pictures and then we all sat around visiting. It was then that Lorrie sat down and announced to us Thomas' that she and Yachel were expecting in February. She had a miscarriage with their first, so she waited to announce until they were pretty sure it was safe. She has been to the doctor and heard the heart beat. They are telling her the farther along she makes it, the better. However, Yachel is saying that he will probably be in Colorado until November. He is coming back this weekend for a wedding and Lorrie said she and a friend will go out Labor day weekend. If you could pray for her, I think that would be great. Being pregnant and without your spouse will be a hard one, and I know God will prove himself faithful for her.
We spent the night with grandma. She was excited to spend extra time with the kids and they have to come to love being at her house. Just as much as I do. We all sat together before going to bed reading the Bible and praying together. We woke up and ate breakfast and played Go fish, Memory, Dominos and another game I can't remember. Hannah got out the Mary Ann dolls I used to play with and we just hung out. The plan was to head home after lunch. We had leftovers from Sunday and Grandma got out her daily devotional. As we ate, we heard her read and it was a memory I will forever log in my mind. As we cleaned up and loaded the car, Hannah began to cry. She did'nt want to leave Great-grandma. They sat together and we stayed a little longer before getting in the car. It was hard, but we headed on to Topeka. We had planned on stopping by Mom's school on our way home. We got there and she gave us the official tour along with meeting some fellow workers. We stopped by Sonic on our way out of town for 1/2 price drinks and to chat a little more before heading home.
We got home in time for supper prepared by Dad. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and Mac-n-cheese. To bed and slept in. Abram came over later and we watched him the rest of the afternoon. We all watched a movie last night before calling it good.
Today, Abbie, Jamison (her little brother), and Abram were over to play all morning. We spent the afternoon outside playing and then headed to TNT mortgage to talk to a lady about our chances of thinking about buying a house. We have some things to iron out in regards to the foreclosure on our record, but she thinks we can do it.
We came home to clean up after the day of play and then to bed. I am exhausted, but glad that we are enjoying our days.
I am hoping to continue to keep steady and to produce the fruit that God asks of me.
I am praying that all of you are well and that you seriously are looking to Him for your life.
Will write again when it isn't so late and I don't have so much to write. :-)
Till then!!!

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