Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Where did August go?

Hi! As I sit here, I can't believe how fast time has flown. This week we got enrollment forms for Hannah's preschool to fill out and Nathan's first day is a week from today.
I got an email from David Toelle about our 10 year class reunion. Wow, he has changed a lot. It is kind of funny. He has gotten a lot larger. Actually, when I went to his myspace account and saw his picture, I couldn't believe it was him. He is married and has a 3 year old son. He is the sports director at Kansas Weslyan in Salina. He won't be at the reunion but was asked to help find people.
It will be Sept. 23rd at 4pm at Hammond Park. I think the kids and I will go. I haven't seen people like Johna Forbeck, Sarah Burris, Michael Spade and others. It will be interesting to see who shows up and how much they have changed.
Anyways, lets see, our week last week. Friday after Chris got off work we went looking for laptops. He is starting back college at Liberty University online. His classes started Monday and he needed a laptop so he could hook up to wireless DSL to download videos for class. Our dial-up here wasn't going to cut it. We talked about getting rid of the desktop since it hates me anyways and maybe we can sell it to a student and pay for some of the laptop.
Anyways, he shopped around. On Saturday, he slept in while the kids and I played. We ran to the post office to mail a belated birthday package to the Bond girls. When we got back, we ate lunch and then went to the mall and the libraries. It rained all Friday and Saturday. It was nice. We really needed it. Sunday, we went to church. I helped in the 2's & 3's and we went to service. After that, we hit McDonalds for lunch and got groceries. A picnic to the park to burn off some stored energy finished off our night.
Monday the kids had their dentist appointment. Dr. Goodrick said Nathan's new teeth looked good. No cavities for either kids and they were looking forward to seeing them in 6 months.
We went home and spent most of the day outside. It was only 83. We all made a cardboard school for the strawberry shortcake friends since the kids have been excited about school. Blueberry muffin was the teacher and for recess, Nathan had us race hot wheels.
Chris got home around 4 and hung out with us before heading to our room to start his studying. He is taking Theology 202 and Humanities. Next quarter he is taking Biology and something else. He is really liking his Theology class.
Today, I woke up early and went walking at Mark youngdale. it as an awesome morning. God home and the kids were up. They have been working on memory verses. if you see them soon, ask them to recite Psalm 19:14 and Psalm 139:23. They have made a song combining the two and it is really sweet. They have also been praying their verses to God, thanking him for his work. It has been really awesome to see their faith grow. Nathan the other day prayed that God would put Satan in his home where there was a lot of fire and that God would protect himself from Satan. He also asked God to "repair" him for school. (prepare). Hannah has been asking that God help her to obey.
And one final thing. Today we got a call around 10 am that our friends Chris and Cindy Coker were in the hospital having their baby Nathan. He called tonight and Nathan Allen Coker was born at 8:21pm and weighed 7lbs 4oz and was 21 inches long. They all are doing well and will probably go home Thursday. We told them that maybe when we were in KC for Hannah's appointment at Mercy that we would stop by and see them.
Well, I think that is about it. Tomorrow we are going to try to do something fun all together and Thursday is a train storytime at the East Hills Library. Hannah's appointment is Monday, Nathan's open house is Tuesday and our month of August is gone.
I pray that all of you are trying to take time to enjoy the beauty of God and to thank him for it.
will write again, probably in another week, right??:-)

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