Monday, June 18, 2007

What a crazy day!!

Hello all. I am writing this from an exhausted self.

The day has been so wierd. It started when I couldn't sleep anymore, due to the fact that Chris and I were sleeping in the living room, with the kids in Nathan's room. More on why later.

He was snoring and there was no where to go and it was 6:30am. I decided it would be a great opportunity to go walking and read my Bible. No one would be up for a while.

So, I wrote a note and headed out with my bag. Walked 2 miles and sat down to read when my cell phone rang. It was Amy's cell phone. I answered it and it was Nathan, crying.

"How come you left us alone?". I freaked. I assured him that when I left, Dad was still on the floor snoring. I asked him if he had looked for Dad in the bathroom and stuff, to which he mumbled yes.

I told him to stay with Amy, that I was on my way home as soon as I could.

I called Chris' cell, with no answer. So I hoofed it up as fast as possible to the car. Chris called shortly to say he was home. That he was in Nathan's bed. That Nathan had gotten up to go to the bathroom and curled up with him on the couch. Then Nathan doesn't remember anything but waking up alone on the couch. He didn't go back to his room, so he didn't see Chris on his bed.

After much hugging Nathan and thanking Amy, we were ok. Hannah was still asleep. We got breakfast going and tried to get ahold of our landlord.

So, that brings me back to why were were in wierd rooms sleeping. Friday I turned on the air conditioning for the first time. Hannah approached me saying her carpet was wet, to which I assumed she spilt a bottle of water, which she has been drinking a lot of. as I walked into her room, I realized it was much more. Our room and hers was soaking. I instantly assumed it was the air because the hoses from outide enter in that wall, so I shut it off and called our landlord. She said she would send someone out immediately. We waited all evening with no one. Waking up Saturday we called again only to get voicemails. It was supposed to be 95. So, we hung out, at the graciousness of Brett and Amy at their apartment waiting to hear from Joann. She called once, to say that she would check it out. By now I have fans running and have shut the doors to the rooms as they are stinky. Sunday comes and we spend the day outside in the swimming pool to stay cool. I figure I will call her first thing Monday morning. By now, the water has spread in Hannah's room worse as our room is drying out.

So that brings you to my last story.

Well, after resolving Nathan's issue, we call Joann and leave another message. WE were planning on going to the water park for the day. So, all of us get ready and are about to leave, when the phone rings. It is the airconditioning guy. So, the kids and I run to Walmart to buy sunblock and chris stays to help the air man. As we are in Walmart, a torrential downpour begins. Luckily we are in our swim suits already, because we get drenched on our way to the car. I call Chris and we opt not to go anywhere, as obviously, the water park will not be open. So, we ran by Mc.Donalds to rent our free Redbox movie and picked Cinderella 3.

WE came home and ate our picnic lunch on the floor while watching the movie.

By now, Joann has not come by still to see the carpets and such to decide what to do. The air man said it wasn't our unit leaking. So we play trains and princesses until she arrives. Then she decided that Hannah's room is so bad that the entire carpet needs to be pulled out. So Amy watched our kids while Chris and I hauled stuff out of Hannah's room so that we could rip out the carpet and padding.

Some guys will be coming tomorrow to find the source of the water and then lay new carpet and padding after the water is dried out.

WE are watching Abram tomorrow as Brett and Amy go to the doctor for their sonogram to find out if it is a boy or a girl. WE have planned to stay outside unless it is raining. If it is still raining, we will be in Nathan's room as it is the only one to be in.

Luckily Chris is off again tomorrow to help. So, it has been a long couple of days.

Before that, it was the kids last week of summer school. We decided not to do the second session but to hang out at home instead, which has been fun. Nathan had a game Thursday, and it was "His day". He went fishing with Dad and arrived at the game to be the snack guy and he was first up to bat. He said he felt like a star! Saturday night we went to the St. Joe Blacksnakes game and it was funny to see Nathan as the first 1000 fans got minibats. So he was really watching the batters and using his mini bat to mimic the players. He observed a lot and was really pumped about the game.

Chris had to work on Fathers' day, so we stalled eating until late so that we could take him to Rib Crib for all you can eat ribs when he got off work at 8. Normally we don't eat that late, but we knew we didn't have to get up early for anything, so we could stay up.

Since this morning was a little wierd, we played board games tonight after supper and the kids went to bed early. Hope that will help the week be more normal.
And after that, the computer flipped out and wouldn't start. so, here it is thursday and i am finishing up this blog. if that hasn't already described our week, then,. well.

Joann came by Tuesday to look at the rooms again and to measure for pad and carpet. She decided to replace Hannah's room and the hall. during all this, Amy has gotten a call that her sonogram was never scheduled and that if she wanted to still have it, the had an opening in an hour. so we watched Abram earlier than expected, which meant we went to the water park when they got home.

Which, they found out is a girl!!! Keiley Nicole is what they are hoping to name her. Amy has already bought some pink things. I got a discount pack of onesies and some material from the dollar rack and am going to make some little onesie dresses like hannah had.
so, back to my weekly update.
We went to the water park and played from 12:30 to about 5:30. Needless to say, we were all raisins, but had an awesome time.
Wednesday, the carpet guys came and replaced everything. it is really nice. they did a great job. So we spent all afternoon and evening tryping to get everything back to some sort of assemblance.
Today i subbed at the preschool, and the kids and i had a great time. i was tired, but it got better as all 16 of the prekindergartners and i enjoyed the day. I had two other helpers in there besides my kids. It was a good one.
We got home to eat supper and spent the rest of our evening outside with Brett, Amy and Abram. the boys caught lightening bugs and the big boys shot off bottle rockets, while the girls just admired how funny our families had been.
Tomorrow we are just stayiing here. since the week has been wierd, tomorrow is kid day.
chris is off this weekend and he gets paid today, so we are going to head to Kansas City Saturday to go to the City market to get some good produce.
Next week, on Friday, my sister karen will be here for sure. the kids are really looking forward to that. My sister Mary and her husband Jon are a maybe. His birthday is that weekend, so we aren't sure.
We are waiting to hear if Chris' parents are a for sure also for that following week.
Nathan has a game on Saturday and then his last two games are the weekend my sister is here. She is making a shirt for herself to wear as a "aunt" fan. it has been over a year since they have been here. it will be nice to have her in our home.
Well, now that this has been updated, I am going to attempt to post it.
until next week, all our love.


Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Wow! Thanks for the update. I knew something was up, since it had been awhile. I will give you a call soon. :) Thanks for your sweet blog comments. :) Love, Heidi

mary said...

Craziness Craziness! what a week! Hope that everything will get back to normal for you out there!
I should have a definate answer about this next weekend when we talk on Mon night...
try and enjoy the rest of the weekend!

Rachel said...

I'm so sorry to hear about all the water damage and the craziness that causes. Hope things calm down for you! we'll be in St. Joe for the tractor cruise this weekend (29-30th). Mark doesn't have a lot of free time, but i do!! maybe we can see you!