Well, hello from the land of the, 'oh my word, I have so much to write about'
The last week of June was cleaning the house up from the week before to prepare for all the company we have had this last week.
The kids were so great in playing with each other and helping out as we got ready. I was so thankful.
My sister Karen arrived Friday night, in hopes of seeing Nathan play. It had rained Thursday all day, so there was no game that night. Instead, we decided to build our own volcano with paper mache. It was fun. We woke up Saturday and met Rachel, Ruthy, Moriah, and Javan Bond here in town. They had called and wondered if we wanted to swim with them and catch up, since it has been a year since we have seen them. All 5 kids enjoyed swimming and the moms did too, I think. My sister had some bills she really needed to take care of, so that gave her the perfect opportunity to do that. When they had to check out of their hotel, we helped them load their car and send them on their way. They had to meet Mark at Missouri Western for the kids tractor pull. Hannah and Ruthy were having a great time playing Barbies and Moriah found my sister really neat to be around. We said our goodbyes and headed home. When we got there, we found out there was no game that night either, which totally was a bummer for Karen. We had planned that she would be able to see two games and in reality, she wasn't going to see even one. She had even made a matching shirt she could wear for Nathan. So, we decided we would have our own game. He would dawn his gear and hit to her and she would field his balls. Then, he would field her hits. We took their picture together, bats, shirts, gloves and all. It was sweet. The field we played on was next to his school, so they also along with Hannah got to play on the playground. It was a lot of fun.
We got home in time to be there for a surprise, which was Chris' parents arriving for his game.
They didn't get to see him play at all either in their visit. We all ate casserole that I had prepared together and it was nice for everyone to be around our table.
Sunday was our church's "Freedom" Celebration. We were having one huge service and a church picnic to follow. The night before, I had decided that I would make brownies to take, as well as a pasta salad. Well, Karen, Lorna and I were sitting around the kitchen table waiting for them to bake when Karen and Lorna started scheming to eat them. They were saying things like, "that really is too small of a pan to take to a potluck" "If we eat them, we are doing others a favor" "If we eat them, it will give us a chance to bring something" We were rolling laughing. it was so much fun. in the end, the brownies were consumed along with a scoop of ice cream and strawberries on top. It was really good. Then the 3 of us headed to Walmart in our pajamas to buy something else to take to the picnic.
Church was nice and the potluck was a good time too. Chris got to join us in eating there, wo that was nice. We headed home to set off our volcano before Karen had to head home. it oozed and the kids thought it was cool. Karen left and the rest of us vegged the rest of the afternoon.
Noel and Nathan went to the store and bought a remote control jeep to play together. Then we went to Chipolte for supper. We watched Everybody's hero that night before bed.
Monday we woke up to go walking at the riverwalk. We loaded up the bike for the kids to ride and we walked about 3 miles. It was really nice. Everyone got to just walk together and the kids got to take turns riding the bike. It was a really relaxing time. We went out to eat at Ryans afterwards before rushing Chris to work. The rest of us decided to finish Everybody's hero and I ran to the bank and post office real quick. Grandpa took a nap and then he and Hannah went on a date to Target. It was really sweet, because she got all dressed up in her pretty pink dress and a headband in her hair. she said to me later, papa taking her out "made her feel special like a princess". He brought her home with a cinderella carosel. We took Chris up a sandwich and Noel and lorna looked at the clearance patio furniture and stuff.
We went home and everyone headed to bed, I think.
Tuesday, Chris headed to work around 8. We split up. Noel wanted to go and see our local airport, so he and nathan headed that way. Lorna needed to find a dress, so the girls headed to Kohls to shop. Hannah made her try on every pink skirt we found that was in her size. Unfortunately, she didn't find anything, but Hannah came away with a pink horse shirt.
We went to Walmart to get groceries for the next few days. the kids wanted to make pizzas with grandpa and to eat tacos at some point. We made the pizzas for lunch and then the kids played in the pool while grandpa took a nap. When Chris got off, we found out that Brent and Sarah had arrived at their camping site north of town, so Chris laid down with the kids, since our evening plans involved a baseball game at the blacksnakes and fireworkes. I went with Noel and Lorna up to the campsite to escort everyone back to our apartment. We hung out up there about 1 1/2 hours before heading back to the apartment, so my family got a good nap in.
We headed to the game. They were having a family night, so there were all these blow up jumpers and stuff. All the kids, Brent and Sarah's and ours, had such a blast. We watched the game, got cotton candy, ice cream and popcorn and then went outside the field to the back of the truck to watch the fireworks.
The game ended with us winning due to their pitcher walking us 3 times. It was cool.
The 4th of july involved Brent and Sarah heading to Kansas City for the conference, Chris and Noel getting to spend some much needed time together, and Lorna and I juggling 5 kids.
It was a lot of fun. All the kids got along so well. We took them to Walmart for a group picture. They had a water balloon fight and played in the pool. They got to watch a movie together and then we closed the evening out with setting off our own fireworks, that the guys had brought home. it was a lot of fun.
And that brings me to today. Noel and Lorna left this morning to head to Noel's parents. We spent the day just hanging out and then running up to the bookstore to just read. We went by one more fireworks stand on our way up to the campground to see if Brent's family was still there. They had already left, so we headed home and set off fireworks with Brett, Amy and Abram. it was a lot of fun too. Just a great day together.
The rest of this week and beginning of next is cleaning up and preparing for our trip to kansas and texas.
Next thursday, the kids and I are starting on our adventure by going to Lorrie and Yachal's. We are planning on eating lunch with Lorrie and Rowdy and hopefully Yachal will be home. We will be at Mary's by the evening. We are staying with her until Sunday, when we will continue west to see Karen in Dodge. We will be at her house until Wednesday. When she leaves for her Master's classes, we will be heading to Chris' parents, as his mom is having foot surgery and won't be able to walk. I told her that if at least the kids could keep her from getting up, I would be willing to take on the household chores. We will be there for about a week, when we will head home via Oklahoma City to see some old friends and kansas, where we will see Mom and Dad, Grandma and hopefully uncle Dave and make a visit to the farm before heading home.
August is really busy for us as we prep for school and the possiblity of a move. Chris will be done with his classes the first week of August and then he will have human resource week the second week. If a move comes, it will be then.
meanwhile, doors have been opening here. The last thursday in june, Mrs. Catherine, hannah's preschool teacher and director, asked me if I would be interested, starting in the fall, in being her assistant. I told her I would talk to Chris about it. I haven't told her anything, because we don't know if a move is emminent, (sp?). Please be praying as there are so many things in regards to that. I have left it in God's hands. I am not going to think about it all until our trip is over. In August, I will need to give her an answer, so please be praying that God will make it obvious and will give Chris guidance in to what direction we are heading.Right now we just aren't sure.
So many things say stay, and yet there is no job opening for him after his training. God knows the plans he has for us and we are trusting in that right now.
Well, as you have read this novel, you will be able to know that if I don't get back on here before Thursday, it will be another 2 1/2 weeks before another blog, so hang in there with me!!
Love all of you and hope you are finding ways to honor God this summer with your time and talents. Until next time!!!
Hope you guys have an excellent trip!
we are excited for your visit!! It has been such a busy summer for your family but it sounds like you've had a lot of fun!
we will continue to pray for you as you prepare for the possibility of a move. Continue to trust in his plan and we pray that he will give you the guidance you need!
Have an awesome vacation!!! Love ya, Heidi :)
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