Friday, September 15, 2006

Wow, where did the week go?

Hi! Can't believe it has been a week since I posted. This week has been so wierd. Lets see, Friday, Hannah went back to school. She had a couple of times where she screamed and cried. We had a serious talk when we got home about how that was unacceptable. I told her I would be asking Mrs. Catherine and for anytime she screamed, she would get that many spankings and that many times 4 minutes in the naughty corner. Her eyes got HUGE! Since then, we haven't had any problems. She has made a new friend named Whitney. I guess they play soft animals most of the day.
Nathan is getting acclimated to kindergarten. We met the little girl who sits at his table with him. She is super sweet. Her name is Lindsay. More of what he does during the day is coming out. Still feel bad about sending him, though. He is so exhausted when he gets home and he isn't getting enough time to eat his lunch, so when he gets home, he is tired, super thirsty and starving. I think it is more traumatic for me to think he is that rushed in everything. He is seeming to have fun, but still misses preschool.
Last weekend we played inside as it rained most of the weekend. Sunday was church and just spending time together. Monday was back to routine. I was kind of glad all the firsts were over and we could start getting things into a regular schedule. Chris had a tough weekend at work, so he slept in as I took the kids to school. I went to the library and wrote some cards and went to JC Penneys to get a pair of jeans. Then Chris and I went to the mall and ate at the chinese place there. It was really good. We didn't finish our food, we had gotten so much and it only cost us 2.99. We were impressed. We played games after the kids came home. We taught them how to play Pit. It is their new favorite game.
Tuesday Chris was off and so was Hannah, so they spent some time together as I worked on cleaning up the kitchen and living room. After Nathan got out of school, we went to Rib Crib. Chris got his refund back from his school loan, so he wanted to treat everyone with a nice dinner.
Then the kids went to bed and we decorated for Nathan's birthday.
He woke up Wednesday thrilled to finally be 6. He has been waiting for so long. Mostly because he turned 5 the 2nd day of preschool last year and he started school this year still 5. He feels like he has been 5 forever,. We took Cosmic brownies to school for snack. He also invited all his little friends to his party. He had already been telling them. Chris and I wantead to keep this one simple, but then we also didn't want his friends to feel bad for being left out. We figured, seriously, how many will be able to come. Not all of them, but the fact they were all invited would be good. So far, he has 3 who are definate, so he is excited.
I watched Abram that day. it was kind of weird having just him. Nice, but odd.
Nathan and Hannah were excited to have him pick them up from school! When we got back from school, Abram helped Nathan open all his presents and we ate some cake. Hannah had helped me make it Tuesday. We took him to Cici's for his special birthday dinner.
Yesterday, I watched Abram again and Hannah andI played dress up.
Chris all week has been working overnights, as they have been receiving all their Christmas stock and they don't have the shelving in yet to set the dept. So he has had to go in and receive the truck and then find place for it in topstock.
He is in today, 7-4, to hopefully set the shelves as they are supposed to arrive. He is looking forward to the weekend off.
Well, I think that is about it. it has been so quick. Once things get into a pattern, maybe I will be more frequent on here.
One more thing, I want to apologize for some of the ways I seemed kind of rough on here. I have been re-reading some of the entries and noticed that my attitude was lacking. For that, i apologize. Like Paul says, what I want to do, I don't.
I miss so many of you and have meant to keep in better contact and here is has been weeks. For that, I also apologize.
Well, have things I need to get to, so I will sign off.

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