Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hannah's about to go!!

Well, I am posting the night before Hannah's first day.
She had open house tonight. Wow! I forgot how much I love that preschool.
And Mrs. Catherine, it was so good to see her and visit. Hannah is so excited.
There are 8 in her class; a couple of kids dropped. 6 girls and 2 boys.
The theme this year is "God's promises", and each of the rooms is decorated to look like a room inside Noah's ark. Really neat.
Over the weekend we did some much needed cleaning and grocery shopping. The kids enjoyed both at we made the cleaning a game and they got to pick "sack lunch" food for school.
It was a little wierd tonight as I packed both of their lunches. I had always imagined what it would be like, packing my kids lunches for school, and now here I am doing it.
Chris laughed about how tomorrow after we drop them off, we have one of two options. We can sleep all day and catch up on lost sleep from when they were babies, or we can drink pop, eat bon bons and watch movies (since that is what supposedly stay-at-home mom's do). More than likely we will opt for some of the first. Catch a nap that we never get and do some serious cleaning in our room. It looks like a bomb went off.
I hope this finds all of you doing well and I will post tomorrow with some of Hannah's first day pictures.
Oh, forgot to post last time, but the evening of Nathan's first day, Chris met Chris Coker in KC because Coker had acquired some free Chiefs tickets. He had never been to a NFL game. He called from there and it was so loud. He LOVED it. I think it birthed a Chiefs fan in our home.
He said it was really neat. They sat above the tunnel where the players came out of. He also said that an ex-player sat right behind them and it was really easy to get into high fiving the people around you when something good happened. I turned on the tv one time while he was there and had called. KQ2 was broadcasting the game, so we thought maybe the kids could see Dad and Uncle Coker on TV.
I am pretty sure the Chiefs won that night 10-9. He said he also got to hold his nephew Nathan for a spell before he was afraid Nathan would put him to sleep.
Well, I need to get to bed. Another big day for all of us. We send our love, and will write again tomorrow.

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