Saturday, December 13, 2008

Our update for the last 2 weeks!:-)

Well, as you may have guessed, the lack of updating is due to the fact that I have been so busy at work. I have been opening the store myself. I was given a key and a security code. I have been going in at 7 and starting all 3 batches of dough, then rolling out all the pizza shells and by 9 I am joined by Shirley, who sets up the front, and another person in the back to help set up prep for the lunch rush. Depending on who the manager is, Tony and Scott usually show up around 8:30 to set up the registers and take the money to the bank.
As for the rest of my family, they are doing alright. Chris is still looking for a job. He has been really good at helping around the house. When i get home, i am so sore and tired from all the stuff at work, it is nice to know that i don't have to worry about dishes and laundry and all that. I have helped him out, but he has been workiing really hard. He takes the kid to school in the morning and I pick them up. He had his christmas musical last weekend. it was titled "I'll be home for Christmas" It was a powerful program centered around Pearl harbor and how a christian family deals with the ups and downs of a spouse being over seas and not knowing of their return. Trusting in God and that His dreams are better than ours was kind of the theme.
My parents were down to go to the Oklahoma City train show at the state fair arena that weekend. They got to go to the Saturday evening program. it was nice for them to be able to go to his program.
We had a great time. At the train show, Nathaniel got to drive a few trains in an area they called switching control. The guy was really helpful and he had a good time. My dad had a great time seeing all the new scenery and getting new items and ideas.
Hannah had her first grade program the following Monday. Her program was super sweet. All the first graders walked in with jingle bells and they were all dressed up. They had their teachers out dressed like the chipmunks and sang with them for a few songs. Their principal came out dressed like "polar pup" too. they sang silent night and her good friend Courtney got to sing a special part. Hannah did a great job! We took her out for a special drink at sonic afterwards. That night was also Nathaniel's first night of Upwards basketball. Chris took him to that since it started at 6pm and Hannah had to be at her program at 6:30, for it to start at 7 and that was when Nathaniel's practice was over. He was really excited about practice. He is number 8 and he is on the team "Flash". His 2 coaches, chris said, were really encouraging and are really big into them learning their skills and the bible verses that go with their training program. it is really neat. I can't wait to go and see this coming monday night. They will practice every monday night at 6pm and his games will be all the month of January and february on saturday mornings at 8am. their games are a half an hour, with 6 minute quarters and a half time. Every child is guaranteed to play 2 quarters. he is really loving it.
Lets see, what else... We can't believe that this coming week is the kids last week of school and that Chris' birthday is this coming thursday. since we are struggling financially, we won't be able to do gifts for anyone, especially each other, so we are trying to come up with fun things we can do to with each other for gifts. Thanks to my parents, they brought about 4 or 5 gifts with them when they came, so the kids will have something to open on christmas day. I am off today, but there is a huge Crosswhite family reunion in Dover, and Grandma Crosswhite wanted us to come up. they would help out in anyway they could, as long as we would be there.
We are hoping that God will show himself faithful to us this holiday season. We are trying to rest in His presence, since we think back on the last year and wonder why all these things have happened. Chris loved his job at lowes and was on the way up, we bought a property we love, we have a church home we love, Nathaniel got baptized this year, and yet, here we are, barely able to pay our morgage and bills, were denied health insurance and food stamps, and aren't able to do hardly anything this holiday season. We know that God is in it all, so we appreciate your prayers more than anything at this time. Satan is definately on the prowl. We want this all to be about Christ, more than any time in our history for all those reasons. We hope you are having a good time and enjoying the time we remember God's greatest gift and hope you are staying warm and dry.
will hopefully write again before Christmas!! If not, have a great one!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would love to see some pics of Nathaniel playing basketball. Upwards is a cool program. My friend John Mark helps with it at his church in KC. Things are good here. I am sorry I haven't called you.