Thursday, October 23, 2008

My wonderful trip to Oregon!!!

What can I say? Spending 4 days with this sweetheart was such a wonderful blessing!!! Isn't she precious!!! Thank you to Tim and Heidi for sharing her with me!!!
Let's see, let me start at the beginning. Friday morning I finished making sure I had all the things I needed and we headed to the airport around 2pm. Kids were excited and sad at the same time. I was too. I have never done that and with circumstances being as they were, I was a little nervous. My flight left on time and I arrived in Phoenix 20 minutes early. It was 93 degrees when I arrived. I called Heidi to let her know I was there and checked in with my family. They had gone mini golfing and ate at Cici's to kick start the weekend with Dad.
I left Phoenix and arrived in Portland about 20 minutes early as well. Tim met me outside the airport and we headed back to his house. We were excited to see one another and he was glad not to get yelled at anymore by the mean old airport traffic director!! I was wide awake when we got there, so I visited with Heidi a little before we all headed to bed. I got the official tour and got to see little Kairis sleepin.I went to bed and found myself with a new bed partner, Emma.

I woke up Saturday at 6:15 Portland time because to my body, I had slept in enough. Got dressed and called the family, since I didn't detect that anyone was awake upstairs. They were on their way to Uncle Brent's. Tim and Heidi and Kairis came downstairs, unaware I had been up for over an hour, which was ok. We got ready to head to the beach and I got to see little girly get all dressed. She had such good smiles for her Aunt Angel.

We headed to the beach around 9:30. Tim and Heidi were trying to decide the whole way where to begin our beach adventure. We opted to go to Gearhardt to their favorite bakery, Pacific way. By the time we got there, Kairis would be ready for her bottle and we could have some brunch as well. And, by doing that, I wouldn't get to see the ocean quite yet. I had a marionberry scone, Tim had a raisin snail and Heidi had a lemon danish. We visited with some locals and had a nice time enjoying breakfast. Then we drove up the way to see the beach. We turned around and headed to Seaside, which is another beach town where my parents have a time share. We parked the car and decided we would walk the boardwalk. The beach there was neat because it was really kid friendly. Swing sets and such on the beach. I thought that was really cool. We walked around the town and stopped in at a local thrift shop and found some souvienir items for my family. We then decided to head to Canon beach to get our feet wet. This was the location for Haystack rock. When the tide is out, you can see sea life in the tide pools. However, we got there at tide in. Thats ok. We got our feet wet and took some picts before deciding the cold wind probably wasn't good for little girl. But, since our feet were dirty, they decided we would go back to Gearhardt to pick up some seashells before heading to one of their favorite restaurants, Mo's. At Gearhardt beach, Heidi stayed in the car with Kairis while Tim and I went to get sand and shells. It was so much fun!! We walked and talked and scared seagulls!! Heidi called us and wondered when we were coming back because she was getting hungry. :-) We went to Mo's to eat some real seafood and so I got to try clams, halibut, scallops and clam chowder. It was really good food!! We got Kairis ready for bed and then headed back to Portland. It was a really good day. The ocean was neat. A little overwhelming for someone who has never seen it. I didn't really know how to react. A whole new experience of one of God's amazing creations. Oh, meant to say too, we were at Mo's for sunset, which was gorgeous!!

Sunday, Tim and I had our morning coffee, so I could share with Hannah. We got ready and we went to second service so that we could go to church with Tim and Heidi's best friends, Joel and Lani. It was neat to be at their church. The pastor's sermon was from Romans 12 and 13, which was good to re-read. I read it to Chris when I got home. We went out to lunch with Joel and Lani after church. Tim and Heidi are so blessed to have such great friends. From all we talked about, they can be so open and honest and fun with each other and that is a blessing that doesn't happen to most people. We probably visited for a few hours before Joel had to go home to do some school work. Lani came back to Tim and Heidi's with us to just visit some more. We spent the rest of the afternoon just hanging out in their living room. I called the kids and they got to visit with Tim and Heidi as well. I got to feed Kairis and hang out with her that morning while they got their bags ready for church. We decided to go to evening church, which was called the "gathering". It was a lot more modern and the music was a little more "funk" than I am used to, but the message was awesome. About the adulterous woman and how many of us are the people with the rocks, ready to stone people; or some of us are the adulterous woman, whom Jesus is asking to "stop and sin no more." Tim and I talked about how the last time we were together in a similar setting, he was the one dropping something off at the foot of the cross. We stayed and ate some soup there as well as visited with people. We didn't get back to their house until close to 10/10:30. Kairis had been awake the whole time, so her schedule was a little bit off. Oh, and I forgot to tell that her new best friend is her thumb. It is so adorable!!!

She woke up late Monday. Tim had gone to work, so it was girls day out. Since Kairis had slept in, our morning went pretty quick. I got dressed while Heidi fed her and then I played with Kairis while Heidi got ready to go to IKEA. The 30-45 minutes we spent together was so precious to me. We played golden sun on her play mat and then just chatted on the couch and she reclined on my knees. We made it to IKEA about noon. Heidi and I walked around admiring the creativity of the rooms and just talking heart to heart. It was so nice!! We ate lunch there and had swedish meatballs with raspberry sauce. It was really good!!! We went home to let Kairis have a really good nap and I wanted to finish the onesies I was working on for her. Heidi started a college class this week, so she needed to look at her syllabus. We just hung out at the house. She warmed up some chicken tortilla soup and made spaghetti for supper. Tim got home and we spent my last full evening there just visiting and reminisced of the past. We laughed so hard I think we all might have thought we were going to wet ourselves and stayed up way to late!! It was such an awesome time.
We woke up about 5:30 to head to the airport and for Tim to go to work. Hugs and thank yous were said and then it was off to a short day, thankfully for me. I left Portland around 7:30 and arrived in Salt Lake at 10am, mountain time. I arrived at Denver at noon, mountain time. I had a 2 hour layover which was nice. To just sit back and rest. We actually boarded the plane a little early, as a storm was on the way. However, we were stalled a half hour due to a wind burst that preceeded the storm. I made it home a little after 5 central time. We went home and I
gave the kids their sand and shells and souveniers.
Oh, and to all of you who have been there, in all the time I was there, I did not see Mt. Hood. I laugh that I will save that for next time. It was either night time, or it was covered up with clouds. Isn't that amusing?
They went to bed with the promise we would hang out after school the next day. Chris and I stayed up and talked heart to heart, which was good. The time apart on this one was good for both of us.
Wednesday, I took the kids to school and then headed to tri-city to print off my brag book!! I saw a sign for someone needing childcare help mon, wed, and fridays from 9am-noon. I applied and should hear something next week. It seems like perfect timing. I sub tomorrow, Monday and tuesday for 1st grade, so that works out great. I had intended to get a lot done around here before tomorrow, but today the jet lag caught up with me and I slept from 9:30 this morning to 1:40. I surprized myself. That's about it. Chris hasn't been answering the phone, as the issues at the Lowes continue to escalate. The corporate ethics line contacted him today asking for more statements. He just wants to keep his nose clean. He is doing good. Has panic attacks every once in a while. Just wants God to be glorified in all this and to be a good example to the kids as to what happens when Satan tries to get you down.
This weekend is our Sunday school classes harvest party and we are really looking forward to that. It was cool. Yesterday Bruce, our minister, called. I answered the phone and he quickly asked if we were all ok. He said we had been on his mind the last few days and he thought he would call. I told him about what was going on and he wanted to speak to Chris. It was neat that God had prompted his heart to reach out. I am just so thankful for our church and the people there!!
And there you have it. My updated life story with picts to enjoy. I hope you all are keeping warm and dry!! We love you all and appreciate your prayers, as this last week wouldn't have been as great as it was without them. Chris was distracted by it all and throughly enjoyed caring for the kids. It made him feel valuable, where as if I had been here, he might have had time to mope. They encouraged him in so many ways, he said, and I am so thankful for answered prayers!! So thank you!!


Eric said...

Looks Like it was a great weekend. I have been praying all weekend. I tried Chris' cell phone several times and had got no answer. You guys have been constantly in our prayers.

Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Thanks for this great blog! We'll blog about our time together on our blog soon! BTW, the "raspberry sauce" is actually lingonberry sauce :) I'm so glad you had a great time...we sure had fun having you. Come again, anytime! I think my fav part was laughing hysterically at 1am at old yearbook photos!!

Love ya, Heidi :)

Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a such a great time. I am so excited about going out there for Christmas. Love ya!!

mary said...

I'm so thankful that things went well for you both! I'm glad you had a wonderful and safe trip and I'm glad that Chris has been able to stay positive through the whole Lowes mess! You have such a wonderful family!