Tuesday, September 02, 2008

A great weekend!!

With a busy week last week of substitute teaching, I was ready for somthing different. We left Blanchard around 4pm and headed north to go to Mary's first. About an hour into it, we ran into some heavy rain in Kingfisher. That town floods somethin terrible. Within just a few minutes, people were freaking out about the water on the road. Only one point of it concerned me. That held us up just a little while. We made it Mary's around 10-10:30. and the kids were excited to see both Mary and Jon. So excited we didnt get them back to bed until pushing midnight. Next morning we got up and played pretty much all day at Mary's. Cars, Barbies, store, and a whole bunch of board games. It was fun!! Sunday morning, before heading to Dodge, she took us by the hospital she is interning at. It was really nice just to veg at her house, especially after the crazy week we had been through. I feel bad, though that she didn't get to show us all the places she hangs out at, and stuff. Or the thought occured to me that with Jon working alot, she is probably at home a bunch and might have wanted to get out. But I know we all had a good time just enjoying her home.
We headed to Dodge and made it to her church in time for morning service. We actually arrived about 20 minutes early and found Karen's name in the bulletin like 3 times, so we made it a game. After church, they had a potluck dinner, which was good. Then we decided to head to Garden city to see their FREE zoo. It was, as far as I am concerned, better that the Oklahoma City zoo, which you pay $8 a piece to get into. We hung out there and enjoyed the animals. Then headed back to Dodge where we made tacos for supper. We then watched muppets in space and everyone got to bed around 10.
Monday we hung out at her house too, playing board games and making a homemade pizza. We also got to help her water her garden, full of yummy looking veggies. We headed back, feeling more rested than when we left, which, for a weekend trip is good!! We got home in time to go straight to bed. It was an awesome time!!
On a side note, while we were gone, the conservation agency came out and radared our hill, and found 138 active lizards and 12 live nests. They said for that species of lizard, we had a Massive colony and that if it was ok with us, they would carefully extract the nests out and put them on protected property. We could keep some since this was their natural environment, and would set us up with a permit to have them. So, effective when they call, they will be digging into our shale hill to save the lizards. Crazy, huh?
Well, i need to get off here. With the wild week last week, i never made it to the grocery store, and with hurricane gustav's leftovers hitting us tonight and tomorrow, I want to make sure we have things to eat in case we get stranded by the flash flood waters. They are still predicting that we might get 5-7 inches a day. No one is for sure of the projected path yet, I saw this morning that it is parked over where Noel and Lorna live, so that should be interesting to hear about how they brave it. Will post again when I get a chance!! Love to all!

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