Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Our car and thoughts it triggered!

Since I last wrote, I took our car into an auto repair shop to see if they could figure out why our car won't hold air conditioning. With the average high this week being 105 and the kids going to school next week, it seemed like a good thing to do.
And while I sat in the waiting room as I saw them lift our lovely green beast up, I thought about what a sweet car it has been for us. When we got it back before Nathaniel was born, it was shiny, it smelled new, it felt cool because everything seemed so fresh and un-old. We had 2 kids we brought home from the hospital in it. It has endured 3 major moves with us, which included many trips to many places to see family and such. Overall, in the almost 10 years we have had it, it has done us really well. It even endured us using it as a single car and Chris scratching the front end of it on every parking spot, as well as the kids using it as a jungle gym. I thought of all the fun memories we have had in it as I sat there.
From its exterior now, it looks like a real winner. Covered in red Oklahoma dirt, with little dents and dings all over its body and an awesome green strap holding the trunk shut along with the squealing hubcap and lack of a/c, it is no question now that the new "fresh" has worn off and has been replaced by an old, mostly reliable car.
As I sat and waited some more, I was struck by the verses in 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, especially vs 16-18, which say, "Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. ". I am like our car. When God gave me to my parents, I was fresh and new. As time and circumstances have passed, the new has worn off and what is left is a decaying old jar.
As it says there, our light and momentary stuggles achieve for us eternal glory that renews us everyday, so that we may focus on what's important, and that is Christ. That was an awesome thought for me, considering all the little bumps in the road we have gone through in just about every step we have taken in my adult life.
I am not sure what the future holds for our car. With a few repairs, maybe a couple 100 miles and more memories, but for now, she is going to remind me everyday that I drive her that underneath my flabby, overweight, 30 year old body is a heart that God loves and wishes to renew by His awesome glory everyday, if only I seek Him and allow Him to do so.
Just something I wanted to share.
On a side note, kids got enrolled in school well and we won't know teachers until next week when they have open house. Today we just stayed inside and did pretty much nothing, it was so hot. Tomorrow we are hoping to play in the swimming pool and outside for some fresh air before the heat hits. Friday Chris is off, so we are thinking of going to OKC and heading to the memorial gardens and eat at Krispy Kreme for b-fast!!
Hope all of you are well and doing fine. I just wanted to post that thought before I lost it. :-)
Living one day at a time and learning to continue to trust the great God that holds my heart!

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