Monday, July 21, 2008

A week without my identity

Since I last wrote, I have lost my identity.
Now, if you have been a mother for very long, you can totally identify with what I mean.
When I last wrote, the kids and i were headed to Bridge Creek. We did that, and met someone there. Lorna. She had needed to come back to Oklahoma to take Grandma home due to medical issues and wondered if she could take the kids with her. They had talked all year about the possibility of going alone to Texas, but it came sooner than I had expected. However, with so much left to do to make the house livable and with the kids growing more and more bored with my having to do all the yuck stuff, we decided it would be good for everyone. The kids would get to spend some time with their grandparents doing fun things and I could focus on finishing up the house so that when they get back, there will be no more cardboard and I can actually enjoy their company.
However, it has been almost a week, and I don't know if I can make it much longer. The house is way too quiet and not getting to tuck them in every night and kiss their little faces hurts. I feel like only part of a person. I know people laugh about when they become parents they lose their first names. They become "so-& so's mom", but I take great pride and honor in bearing my kids names, so when they are gone and I don't hear "mom", but instead I hear, "meow, and bark", I feel a little missing.
I have called them every night since they got to Texas and they are having a lot of fun, but I am counting the days until they get back and I can hold them in my arms again. I realize how fast they grow up and it has crossed my mind several times about when they are 18, what in the world will I do when they are old enough to leave?
Being blessed to be a mother is more of an honor than I ever knew and I can only hope that I do them justice when they return and we have 2 weeks until school starts.
Speaking of, I am going to have to resign my position at Norman Public schools this fall. I thought that maybe I could still do it, but with the rising price of fuel, we will save a lot more money if I just stay home and maybe sub at the kids school a few days a week. I am looking forward to that and yet a little bit sad because I loved the ladies I worked with. I am sure they will understand.
Anyways, just feeling a little lost this week, but allowing my motivation to be that there will be nothing left to do when the kids are back so that we can enjoy each other's company. We will pick them up in Dallas on Saturday when we all meet at the Ernie Haase concert. I hope Noel and Lorna are enjoying them because I sure am missing them!!
Will write again when I get a chance. Until then, I hope you all are keeping cool!!


Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Thanks for the update! We'll be praying for your kids safe return, and your loneliness. I can't imagine life without our daughter, and I've not even met her yet! She's become such a large (literally!) part of our lives these past nine months.

Anyway, we'll keep you posted! Much love,
Heidi :)

mary said...

Aww! I hope the kids are having a good time! I hope that time flies by for you til they return and slows until school starts!!
i love you bunches and will call ya thurs!