Monday, May 19, 2008

Heartbroken and sick!

Ok, so the last few weeks have been a whirlwind. The following week of my writing, Hannah had her birthday party, which was a great time. We had the appraisers look at the house and the home inspection came out great. Only a few shingles to repair. it was set to close the 16th. We took another go through the house the weekend of mother's day. Then Nathaniel went down with a stomach bug. Then Chris went down, then Hannah and I fought it all week. it was horrible. 4 days of nothing but throwing up and having diahrea along with dizziness, i am assuming due to the fact that dehydration was inevitable. it was horrible. We ate chicken noodle soup for Hannah's actual birthday and have promised to make it up to her shortly. In the process of all that, we heard nothing from Cheryl, so we gave her a hollar Thursday afternoon, wondering about closing Friday. She said they were going to postpone it because there were still issues to be worked out. We were sick, so we didn't ask many questions. That is, until today. We wondered, since we have given our 30 days notice and we have to be out of this place in 10 days what the plan was. We found out today that instead of $1800 like we had figured on taking to closing (our tax rebate), they were expecting us to bring over $4000. We said, there is no way. Also, they have no idea. it is "very unlikely" we will close on it this week, let alone by the end of the month. Their suggestion was to get a storage area to rent. Chris came unglued. he told them if they didn't have a plan by the end of the week, he wasn't going to put up with it anymore. Our hearts are smashed because we were under the assumption that everything was a quick go, and now it feels like the whole time they were lying to us, or that they are now to get more $ out of us. Luckily Chris has worked with loans before and so he told them that what we signed to agree to pay at closing is what we are paying. paperwork validates that. So, anyways, if you would keep us in your prayers. WE have trees and shrubs and stuff that are sitting here waiting and we have hardly boxed anything because we thought we were just going to take it over there and put it away, but now it looks like maybe we wiill be homeless for a while.
And the kicker is this, our current landlords are taking us to small claims court for the lack of rent we paid, however, I have pictures of our sleeping arrangements as well as the flooding and the black mold that is growing on the ceilings. In looking online for a quick place to live, they have our aparment listed to rent as a 2 bedroom with an office, so it looks like they aren't planning on fixing it but rather covering their tracks to make it look like something else.
if you could be praying for us, we are rather panicked. WE are trusting God to be in charge of this but having peace about it is a whole other issue.
we dont' know what to do. That is about it. Everyones last week of school and then we move to wherever to head to a family vacation and a wedding in kansas before figuring out what's next.
Our phone numbers are going to stay the cell phones for now. As for mail, we will determine that here soon. Will keep you posted.
Hope all in you all's world is less crazy. till later, in His care!!


mary said...

Oh my goodness!!! I am soo sorry to hear about the house!! I know everything will work out for the best, but just know that you are always in our prayers and a little extra with this situation!
I hope that you all are feeling better and have battled the flu away! I missed seeing you this weekend! But definately look forward to seeing you for Leah & Alex's wedding! Hopefully you will have heard something about the house way before then! Love you!

coker310 said...

Chris and Angel,

Sorry to hear about all the issues with the and cindy will be praying for you.