Sunday, November 11, 2007

a quick update

Hey! Just to let you know, the plumber came by Friday and come to find out a piece of the toilet itself had fallen into the pipe below the toilet. Enough "stuff" had gotten clogged around it that when that fateful flush happened, the toilet shifted and the water backed up and shot around. he completely took the toilet, however, his company did't have a replacement one at the moment. The soonest he could bring one was tuesday. so, the smell of the sewer is all our master bathroom is. We got a rug doctor so we could wash the junk out of the carpet and that helps with the smell. along with keeping the bathroom door shut.
And, that day that I wrote where Chris had to go in early. he ended up having to also stay until 2:30 the following morning helping check in 2 delivery trucks. Be praying for him. His new postition is really wearing him out. yesterday he was the manager to handle ever customer complaint, so all he did for 12 hours was hear people gripe about how they weren't satisfied for whatever reason. And he did that all on minimal sleep. I am afraid he will get sick or something just because he isn't getting enough rest and when i pack him a lunch, he usually doesn't eat it or he eats it when he gets home at 3am. on top of that he is frustrated with certain people in his life right now who have been really negative and not understanding and they are pushing him and his patience button. he really wants to enjoy the kids when he sees them and really misses being a part of our family. he said, "i was really glad when you were coming down because i would see you, but it is almost harder now to be here and see you for just a while and then have to leave and be gone away from you all for days in a row"
so, if you could pray for him, I would appreciate it. he needs it now more than ever!!
Ok, going back to bed. got up to take some allergy medicine and it has kicked in now, so I need to get some rest. We are headed to Clay and jenn's church. Chris has to be at Lowes at 9 and work till close, so we figured we would go into town and see them and maybe get some groceries and stuff. will write again later. just wanted to update you about the exploding toilet and give you the prayer request for Chris.
till next time, leaning on "the rock of my salvation".


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you guys. Wish there was more that we could do.

mary said...

Hey! Sorry to hear that they are working Chris so hard! He is definately in our prayers as well and you and the kids. How are they liking the new school? When is a good time to call you?

Mark said...

Just checking in on you and wondering how your week has been?