Hi! It has been a while and I apologize for that. I did find my cords, so we will see how our new DSL does downloading stuff.
Ok, where to I start? Since I last wrote, everyone came down with the stomach flu, I got to see Misty and her family the 15th, I got and still am getting over an eye infection, the Missouri tigers won the north big 12!!!!!, we went to Grandma Violet and Grandpa Clyde's for thanksgiving, Nathan decided to take his name back to Nathaniel, he met a new McDonald friend who actually came over to our house. I think that sums it up about. :-)
The week I left off, I went out to Tuttle to see Misty Williams. She had invited me to an Arbonne party, but when I called her, she said it was actually so she could just visit while everyone else ordered product. It was nice to see her and her daughter Dacia. I saw Josh a couple of times as he was watching the OU basketball game. She will graduate in May with a degree in deaf interpretation. Dacia already knows all the alphabet and certain phrases. It is cute to see her. She is 2 but has her daddy's legs, so she looks 4. The following weekend, Chris, and Nathaniel went down with the stomach flu. This week Hannah had it.
The week of thanksgiving, I was designated as Hannah's home room mom for her class, so I went to the kids thanksgiving parties and took pictures. Hannah has made some really close friends, which I am thankful for. She talks about Kaia, Jenny, Allison, Sarah and Brianna a lot. I think she and Kaia are "best friends" . Nathan's class they all get along well, but 2 boys have adopted him into their "friend club". Blake, now called Jeffery, and Zach. Which reminds me. In his class, there are 2 Nathans, so in order to help Mrs. Carson out, Nathan decided to be called Nathaniel, so she wouldn't have to call them, "nathan c and nathan k". Well, when he did that, there were also 2 Blakes. So, Blake E, who is one of Nathan's new friends decided to do the same. His real name is Jefferey, so now he is Jeff. It is funny. They have a good time in there and I like that for him.

AS for the eye infeciton I am fighting, I have no idea except maybe it is leftover pink eye form Nathaniel, but its been going on for a while, so we will see.
Lets see, thanksgiving week, the kids were out wednesday, but it was supposed to turn cold, so I took them to the park and to Mcdonalds for supper before we cleaned and baked all wednesday. A lady offered me a place to sit and we began to visit. Her grandson was running around with Nathaniel. His name was Braden. He and Nathaniel had so much in common and we exchanged phone numbers to see if we could get together and play sometime. Well, friday morning, they called and they were in town and wanted to know if they could come over and play. We said sure and so the boys played trains and board games and hot wheels. Hannah drew pictures and Sharon, the grandma brought over a huge brown bag full of unshelled pecans. So we talked and shelled pecans. It was nice.

As for thanksgiving the day, we worked wednesday on hannah's baked mac and cheese, nathan's apple crisp, my green bean casserole, and Chris' carmel cream cheese brownies. We took all that up to Piedmont around 10. WE helped Aunt glenda set stuff up and Hannah proceeded to stick herself up to grandpa Clyde. They looked through her pony coloring book and she showed him her my little ponies. He showed her his new project, a yearling foal named Dolly. WE ate food and visited with Codie and her little girl as well as Aunt Lisa and everyone except Lisa's family and ours left to go to other families houses. Lisa, Charlie, Jerry, Greg and us stayed with grandma and grandpa and watched the first half of the cowboy game. By then it was getting dark and so all of us headed home. In the leaving, I left my purse at Grandmas, so yesterday, I went carefully up there and spent the morning and afternoon visiting with her and helping her with a couple of projects before eating sonic and visiting some more. It was a really special visit and I think I am going to make sure to do that at least once a month since it only takes about an hour to get there.
Finally, this last weekend, we stayed up to cheer on the tigers and jayhawks in the big 12 game!!
I was cheering for both for different reasons. Both of them are underdogs, and I am a sucker for underdogs. It was an awesome game and the tigers won!!!! Now, this weekend they MU tigers will play the OU sooners. Chris has to close, so the only one here cheering for the sooners will be Nathaniel. :-)
We are slowly adjusting however, we all still really miss St. Joe. Hannah the other day started crying in front of her classroom door and said she missed Mrs. Kingery. I started crying too, because I miss everyone there too. I told her that God promises to walk with us and that He was the strength that keeps me going somedays too. It was so hard to make her go when I can totally understand. And in thinking about Christmas, and what we were going to do together as a family, it just is so foreign here. WE know that God is good and in control, so we continue to rely on his strength to keep pressing on.

Chris' job is getting easier just becasue he and Joe have come to some understandings which make them work really well together and there is a good support system still in St. joe that Chris is leaning on when it comes to situations here. Continue to pray for him, though, as his schedule due to the holidays is crazy. He closed last night and was home about 1:30. He had to be back in and in disguise for some issues at 9:30. He puts on his vest and works his normal shift to close tonight and then he closes tomorrow too.

Well, I also forgot in looking at pictures, that Nathaniel lost another tooth. He just pulled it out himself and was so proud. And we decorated the house for Christmas this last weekend. that was fun for all of us to do together. Well, am going to finish up posting picts. Included will be pictures of when mom and dad were here to help move us in. they will be here this weekend for dad's birthday and the huge train show at the fair grounds. we are looking forward to that.
going to go!! all our love!