Sunday, September 16, 2007

week ended not so well

Hey! I am up writing because I am to nauseous to sleep.
Went to pick up kids wednesday from school and nathan was pale. got to the parkiing lot of the school and he threw up. he came home and slept for 2 hours, waking up with a fever. it spiked that evening at 103.7. took him to the doctor on his birthday to find that it was a virus that has been going on. Well, we celebrated in style, with chicken noodle soup. thursday night, Chris and hannah went down too. so everyone stayed home and watched movies and ate soup. Well, needless to say, we canceled our trip to norman. come yesterday, everyone got up feeling chipper except me. seeing that everyone was well had me going, "Ahhh!" Oh, yeah, now you've got it. I don't know if it is that or I am just exhausted from the last 4 days of no sleep.
anyways, so i slept yesterday while the kids and Chris played. We took them down to the southside festival to ride Dave (a friend from Lowes) ponies. We all needed the fresh air. We met my parents in lawerence so they could give Nathan his birthday gift, since we weren't going to be seeing them. We visited at the burger king and then headed home.
i imagine it will take me a couple of days to catch up on sleep. i was feeling alittle nauseous, so i got up to drink something hot and write on here and then see if i can go back to bed.
will keep you posted this week as we prep for disney.
hope all of you are well and enjoying the cooler air!!

1 comment:

mary said...

Well, I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! Keep me posted on the moving situation! Hope you hear about relocation soon! Love you!!