Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A week without Dad

Hello all! I am writing on one of the only nights I either haven't gone to bed early or am not in one of the 2 kids beds.
No one has slept much since Chris is in Springfield. He left Sunday afternoon, after lunch with Mike and Amber. He made it ok. He had his final at 7am Monday morning. We got a phone call at noon to hear that he passed it, a 90%. The rest of the week as been workshops on everything from retaliation to rules of reimbursement. He has connected with many of the guys there and they all have tried to eat out together every evening. One of the managers, Justin, from Weston, is going to travel with Chris home tomorrow. They figured since they were going the same direction, they would look out for one another. It has been a good week for him and he is feeling a lot more at peace with all of this. He should be home sometime tomorrow, depending on when they let out and stuff.
As for us, Monday, we did a school schedule here at the house. Tuesday we helped at the preschool, and today we spent most of our time with Amy and Abram. We all are going to go to Kalidescope next week. It was a REALLY good day. We went to the library and she got a library card. Abram checked out dinosaur books and a dinosaur movie. We found out one thing that was sad. Our favorite library man, Gary, passed away. It just won't be the same there. Everyone seemed a little down. The library both here in town and in Savannah will be closed in the afternoon so that staff can go to the funeral.
Tomorrow we will be at the preschool again. Friday is spending the day with Chris and Saturday involves a bridal shower in the morning and a birthday party in the afternoon. Sunday is the church pool party in Savannah, so that is what our weekend looks like.
Next week is prepping the kids school bags and heading to Kansas for a baby shower before school starts the following week.
Hope that all is well and that you all are ready for a fun fall!
Till next time....


Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

sounds like an awesome camping trip! Yes, when you guys visit next year, we will try and take you camping. That would be a blast. Praying for you guys, and the job stuff. Love you! -Heidi :)

Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Praying for you and the family, Angel! Camping is a blast; we'll try and take you guys out next year and do a camping trip or something. That would be a ton of fun. Did you get my phone message last week? I will try and call you again soon.

Love, Heidi :)

mary said...

Hey! i bet you can hardly wait to have Chris home again! I'm glad everything went well for him! So will you know anything more when he returns?
This might be a dumb question, but what is Kalidescope?
I am sorry I haven't reached you yet. I was hoping to catch you on night minutes, but I have also been doing my running around at night this week because Billy doesn't have AC and I'm a baby. I was planning on going to great bend yesterday evening to see Jon since we didn't see eachother this last weekend, but it didn't end up working out as planned.
Anyways, eager to talk to you! hope everything is going ok at home! Love you lots!

Angel said...

Mary, I am sorry about my phone. To answer your question, Kalidescope is this place in Kansas City sponsored by Hallmark where you go for free and they have this huge room where to go in and there are crafts everywhere that you can make. I think you have a time limit, but the last time we went, the kids made magnets, puzzles and stuff. It was cool.
Heidi, yes, I got your message. meant to call you back, but I am so behind on all that. :0
Love all of you and looking forward to Dec. when we can be together again!!

Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

haha, silly me! I didn't realize you changed your comment settings, therefore, when I posted my first comment, and I didn't see it go through, I thought I'd post it again. De-ja-vue! :) Thanks for posting both of them though, despite how redundant they are! :) Talk, H