Saturday, August 11, 2007

Camping, friends and church stuff

Hi! Well, this week has been one that i have thought several times about logging on and blogging and here I am late to get it done.
Last Friday we all got up and got our stuff together to go camping and headed out after eating lunch at sonic. We stayed at a place east of st. joe called camp pony express. it was really neat. We got there around 3 and checked into the office so we knew where on the grounds to set up our tent. We stayed in Cozy corners, which had a tree swing made of rope and a log. the kids loved that. It had a picnic table and a fire pit. We set up the tent and put our sleeping bags in the tent and set out our coolers from the back of the truck. then of course the first thing to do was to check out the 2 ponds on the place. We fixed up the fishing poles and headed to the ponds. Hannah caught one on her own and was so excited. A little bluegill. After Hannah's first fish, she was done. Nathan caught probably close to 10. He was addicted to it like his dad.
Since Hannah and I were done, we headed back up to the office/guest house. We checked it out. It had a bathroom with a shower and a rec room and a mini store. And our favorite, a big porch swing. We walked back to our tent and sat down and had a really good visit. When the boys got back, we cooked hot dogs and ate chips. Then we whipped our some smores. To Chris and i's surprise, the kids didn't like them. so we ended up eating them all, at least the ones we had made. Nathan wanted an apple instead, and Hannah just wanted the marshmellows. It was funny.
then the kids swang and we just sat and talked for a while. We walked up to see their petting zoo too. they had llamas, sheep, a ram, and a couple of zebu. the kids really liked that. The boys went fishing again after it got dark and hannah and i started up a huge camp fire. We went to bed after the boys got back. when we woke up, we ate granola bars and juice and packed everythiing up. chris wanted to go fishing again. the kids wanted to play on their playground. So we did that and then headed up to the showers. Chris fished for a couple more hours while we swang and visited with the lady in charge.
We headed home and Chris cleaned up. We then went to the mall. They were having their tax free weekend so we got chris a new pair of work boots, which he really needed. We probably saved at least $30.
Sunday Chris had to start inventory at 5am so the kids and I decided to go to the 8am service. They were tired still but awake, so we went, but left at the end of Rodney's sermon. We missed the announcement of a church meeting for "Staff changes". We got home and everyone rested. then we got a phone call from our friends Mike and Amber telling us about the meeting. So, after chris got off work, we went out to dinner with them and then went to the church meeting. Pretty much, it boiled down to that the elders had let go of two staff members and that Rodney would be on sabbatical for 8 weeks in Colorado at a counseling center. Everyone seemed a little surprised. it will be interesting to see how things will go. Pretty much by the end of the meeting, everyone there had decided that the congregation as a whole had become lazy and that now was the time to step up and be what God has asked of us. A week has gone by, so it will be interesting to see what the atmosphere will be like tomorrow. I know for a fact that there are a few families who have left the church due to everything.
On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday we were at home doing our school schedule. thursday we were at the preschool and yesterday Chris was off, so he and Nathan started building a model car. Hannah and I played horses and painted our nails. It has been a nice week. We found out yesterday that families aren't going to be allowed to go to Springfield next week, so instead, we will be working at the preschool Tuesday and Thursday. Chris will be at training until thursday night, so we will know more about everything when he comes home.
anyways, so that is it. today Chris and hannah are going to spend some time today together since he spent the day with nathan yesterday. He will leave after church tomorrow, so he wanted to get some time in with each of them.
i would post pictures of our camping trip like I wanted so much, but the battery burnt out, so we were out of luck. I was really sad about it, but since the trip turned out to be such good time for all of us. Definately something we will do often!!
Ok, till next week, have a good one and keep loving the Lord.


Anonymous said...

I don't know where you got your information at about the elders firing 2 of the staff members at CCC, but Rodney ASKED for Jim's resignation, Jim WAS NOT fired and that is what the elders said at the congregational meeting last Sun night!! And Paul was relieved that they asked for his resignation because he was NOT bouncing back from his heart procedure like he should have been!!! I would say that you need to listen a little more closely as to what's being said instead of 'thinking' what you want!!!!!

mary said...

Calm down anonymous! She didn't say they were "fired" by the elders. you might want to be a little more careful to let your emotions settle before you post a comment.

angel-Your camping trip sounded like it was lots of fun! I'm glad that you guys got some quality family time before Chris headed to Springfield.
I've never heard of kids who didn't like s'mores!! that's funny!
hope everything is going ok while Chris is gone. I am planning on calling you wensday.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Angel said nothing about the specific people, nothing about firing, just letting go 2 people. Make sure you get your comments straight before verbally assaulting people. I was at the meeting that night also, I never heard them say that Rodney ASKED for Jim's resignation and that Paul was not recovering well. The only thing that the elders said was that Rodney made this decision. I have notes that I took at the meeting with the fact that they would not mention reasons. If you have anything you need to discuss with Angel, email her or phone her, but have the guts to talk with her, not just stay Anonymous. Angel did not post what she was "thinking." She just stated facts. If you were close to one of them, obviously you have more info. Just make sure you think about what you are typing before you post. All I remember was that they said Rodney made this decision, not why and that Paul's reaction was "relief."
God speed.

Angel said...

To anonymous, whoever you are:
I wonder if you really read my blog. first, I didn't say that anyone was fired, I said let go because I do not know the circumstances of why those two were no longer a part of the CCC staff. Secondly, I didn't list any names. I only said 2 members of the staff.
Next time when you choose to leave a comment, you might pray before venting your emotions to someone.
You are obviously personally involved, or you wouldn't know so much about why and such. I left my comments general because I only know so much and I choose not to be a gossip.
Lastly, if you are going to be rude, I would at least appreciate knowing who you are, so that I can pray that God will take away some of your hurt and anger.
I am sorry you were offended by my simple comments.

Angel said...

To anonymous, whoever you are:
I wonder if you really read my blog. first, I didn't say that anyone was fired, I said let go because I do not know the circumstances of why those two were no longer a part of the CCC staff. Secondly, I didn't list any names. I only said 2 members of the staff.
Next time when you choose to leave a comment, you might pray before venting your emotions to someone.
You are obviously personally involved, or you wouldn't know so much about why and such. I left my comments general because I only know so much and I choose not to be a gossip.
Lastly, if you are going to be rude, I would at least appreciate knowing who you are, so that I can pray that God will take away some of your hurt and anger.
I am sorry you were offended by my simple comments.