Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another week down

Hi all! Well, Chris made it home safely from Springfield. We had a good day at the preschool. I did more preparations for my class come fall. I am really hoping to have the opportunity to teach at least one month this fall. I have gotten name cards and have plans in the works for at least the first month. We met Chris at Palmas for supper Thursday night and then I visited with my sister as Chris unloaded his suitcase and went to bed. Friday we went to Lowes to get Chris schedule and then went home just to hang out together. Chris just wanted to be at home. Saturday we got up and went to Sarah Armstrong's wedding shower. It was the neatest shower I have ever been to. They started it with prayer and then introduced all of Sarah's family and family to be. Then they went through the food line, which was breakfast casserole and banana-strawberry-pinapple slush. it was good. Then Sarah opened her gifts and after that, everyone at the shower circled around her and the two moms and prayed that God would be honored in the wedding and the marriage and the preparation for it. Then it was over. It was so full of God and honoring all the things of Him. It was cool.
Then we headed to Culvers to meet Chris for lunch and then headed home to grab the birthday gift and head to the pool party. It was a neat little party. Will was on Nathan's t-ball team last summer and in his kindergarten class last fall. They are originally from Oklahoma, so we have a lot to visit about too. Well, the 4 boys got into the water and were having a blast. One of the boys had his sister there, so Hannah was glad for that. Within the first 10 minutes of being in the water, Nathan decided to be daring enough to follow his friends down to the 6 ft area. Now mind you , I am scared to death of water and swimming pools where I can't touch the bottom. But I don't want my kids to fear the water. So their practice in it has been limited. Basically, Nathan doesn't know how to do anything but doggie paddle. Well, he got to a point where he couldn't swim and began to sink. It was the most horrifying moment I have ever experienced in my life. I ran to the edge of the pool and reached out for his hand. Luckily, he had doggie paddled enough to be withing reach. I have no idea what I would have done if he hadn't been. WE pulled him out and he was ok. Super shock of adrenaline, and wanting a lifejacket, he hopped back in to resume chasing his buddies. He had a great time the rest of the party. I told him I was proud of how brave he was because if it were me, I would have not wanted to get back in.
We went home to see Chris and tell him of our expereince. WE decided as a family we need to find a way to expose them to swimming more often. Anyway we do, it will be costly, but never as costly as a life of our child.
Sunday was church. We went to 9:30 service and then the kids and I went home while Chris went to work. We spend the afternoon feeling tired and playing a little. hannah really wanted to play farmer, but we didn't get to it.Also, the pool party got cancelled, so since we had promised the kids we would hit Dairy Queen, we went anyways. It was fun. We saw Sarah, the children's minster, and her husband, Adam there.
MOnday Chris was off, so we finished up school supplies and groceries. That pretty much took the whole day. Chris also had his first zone manager interview with Gun Barrell City, Texas. He should know something tomorrow. He also put in 15 other applications with other cities, some of which include: Moore, Ok; Jefferson City, Mo; Texarkana, Tx; Augusta, Maine; Lakewood, Co; and Surprize, Arizona. As you can see, we are trying to keep God's options open. There is one Chris would really like to have, but it won't post until November and that is Neosho, Mo. It would start the first of the year. But we are praying for God's will. The possiblity of here is looking thinner and thinner, so we have resigned to the understanding that our time here in St. Joe is limited. Chris spent the evening with Mike Kadra playing games and stuff. They had a blast.
Lets, see. Tuesday, I went in and met with Pete Smith. He has had to take on a lot with all the changes going on at the church. I had been holding a heart with disrespect for him that I had come to recognize and wanted to go in and apologize to him face to face. It was a really good visit and a lot of good things came from it. I went home to find Chris feeling ill. So we ate lunch and then the kids and I headed out to look for birthday party stuff for Nathan. We went to party america first and scored big. Hot wheels racing stuff on sale for 99 cents. So we got a huge banner that said "Welcome race fans" and a trophy candle, and checkered plates. Then we headed to Michaels to look at cake stuff. They were remodeling, so we didn't find much. We got home to spending the evening with Chris reading stories and making homemade pizza.
Today we got up and went to Kansas City with Amy and Abram. We got there around 11, so we headed to Fritz Railroad restaurant. Abram couldn't get over the coolness of the trains. He didn't want to go anywhere else. We then went up to the crayola store and drew pictures and jumped on the shapes on the floor. by then it was 12:45, and time to head to Kalidescope. We went in and made a bunch of stuff. To our surprize, Holly McDowell and all 3 of her kids were there with grandma. For those of you who don't know who Holly is, she was pregnant about 3 years ago with Ariana and her water broke at 16 weeks. Doctors told her to abort, but she felt in her heart not to. Araina came through it all and is such a sweet little 3 year old. Anyways, they were there, so I introduced Amy and Abram to them. Then they were on their way to go potty, so we spread out from there. After time was over there, we went to Union station to see the trains. They have a new spot there where you can play Thomas, so of course we needed to do that. By then, Amy was looking a little worn. She actually said that anytime she was holding Abram, she was starting to have contractions, so I tried to carry Abram as much as he would let me. We headed home about 3:15 and stopped in Platte City for drinks. Amy was kind enough to get everyone gummy worms and the adults chocolate. (She knew my secret downfall:-) )
She laid down when we got back and Brett was home to take care of Abram. We unloaded our stuff and got started on supper. Then we read a bunch of books and did baths and here I am after putting them to bed, catching up on our news. 'Tomorrow is the only day this week left to clean up and find my camera and battery charger before Monday, open house at Coleman. Friday is Jadyn Kindley's birthday, which has been the highlight of the the week for Hannah. She can't wait. Hannah and Jadyn were Christmas angels together last year. Since then, they have had a way of finding each other in a crowd at church and sticking like glue. It is fun. You should have seen Hannah when she got the invite. :-) !!
Anyways, we are going to her party Friday and then heading to Mom and Dad's after that for the baby shower this weekend for my cousin. We have to be home for Open house Monday afternoon and 1st day is Wednesday!!!
Can't believe it is here!!!
Well, that's it. I have laundry I need to fold so I can go to bed. Till next time, all our love and God's blessings.


Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Hey! Wow, lots of changes! Praying for you guys...sounds like you're in a busy season. I'll try caling you again, one of these days :) Love-Heidi

Kim said...

Angel, I went to prayer time at CCC and stayed about 20 minutes. It was awesome with candles and music playing sofly with other people praying. I saw Nancy Pitts and we prayed together some. I felt so refreshed! Have a great week! Kim