This is flooding in my favorite place in Saint Joseph. Kind of sad to know you can usually go one more level down and lean back on the railing.
Okay, I know that I never post, but I will try now. Just to let you know, this is Chris. As an anouncement, I have been accepted into the Management Training Program with Lowes. This will b a 9 week course where I learn all aspects of management. I will spend 1 week in another store and learn even more. Lastly, after all that I am eligible to apply to jobs all over the company, all over the nation. I will be up for Zone manager and above. Basically a Zone manager is an assistant manager over 2-4 departments depending on the size of the store. I am excited as it is an awesome responsibility and a road to even higher things. I woud like to go toward human resources if I am staying with the company and this is the road towards that.
I will know more next week. So be praying as we will probably have to move and we want to follow God's will! CROSS YOUR FINGERS THAT WE WILL GO SOUTH! WARMER!!!!
I am recovering from the Memorial Day Weekend. That is historically the busiest weekend in my area, and I believe we sold well over 100 grills and had to load them. At least 3 tons of grills, but probably more.
Now I can focus on my favorite pasttime. I usually cheer for my Cubbies this time of year, and I definitely will again, but now I have to cheer for the Athletics also. Nathan is doing well and has a game on Tuesday night, so I am glad to get to go the game.
Also, I have been enjoying taking the kids fishing to my secret spot. Last time, I didn't get my line wet. I was too busy taking bass and bluegill off of Nathan's line. He was so excited and yelling, "I got another bite! I'm the goodest fisher ever!"
Alright all! That's all from Chris land. Remember, Mowers make tall grass short, but Christ makes lost souls found!
1 comment:
Congratulations on the management training program! We know you'll be a success! This may be a stupid question, but what exactly does human resourcing do? from what I have heard, it sounds like you and I are in the same boat when it comes to the strict acedemic requirements! My God give us strength and knowledge to ace it all! :)
Nathan looks so awesome in his baseball gear!! really hope we can come see a game!
Glad to see those flood pictures! It's crazy all the flooding and storms we've been having!
And that's so funny about the fishing! you must have taught him well! :)
We'll be praying that everything goes well with your training!
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