Monday, May 28, 2007

Hello All!

This is flooding in my favorite place in Saint Joseph. Kind of sad to know you can usually go one more level down and lean back on the railing.

Okay, I know that I never post, but I will try now. Just to let you know, this is Chris. As an anouncement, I have been accepted into the Management Training Program with Lowes. This will b a 9 week course where I learn all aspects of management. I will spend 1 week in another store and learn even more. Lastly, after all that I am eligible to apply to jobs all over the company, all over the nation. I will be up for Zone manager and above. Basically a Zone manager is an assistant manager over 2-4 departments depending on the size of the store. I am excited as it is an awesome responsibility and a road to even higher things. I woud like to go toward human resources if I am staying with the company and this is the road towards that.

I will know more next week. So be praying as we will probably have to move and we want to follow God's will! CROSS YOUR FINGERS THAT WE WILL GO SOUTH! WARMER!!!!

I am recovering from the Memorial Day Weekend. That is historically the busiest weekend in my area, and I believe we sold well over 100 grills and had to load them. At least 3 tons of grills, but probably more.

Now I can focus on my favorite pasttime. I usually cheer for my Cubbies this time of year, and I definitely will again, but now I have to cheer for the Athletics also. Nathan is doing well and has a game on Tuesday night, so I am glad to get to go the game.

Also, I have been enjoying taking the kids fishing to my secret spot. Last time, I didn't get my line wet. I was too busy taking bass and bluegill off of Nathan's line. He was so excited and yelling, "I got another bite! I'm the goodest fisher ever!"

Alright all! That's all from Chris land. Remember, Mowers make tall grass short, but Christ makes lost souls found!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

So sorry!

wow, i can't believe it is almost June and a month has almost gone by since I have written.

Well, since I last wrote, we went to My little pony live for Hannah's birthday. (Pictures to come)It was really cool. Kind of like a broadway production. Now she is sure that Ponyville is in Lincoln, Nebraska. she actually wants to move there.

She had a great birthday also. she had preschool, so we took in a cookie cake. it was really special. that previous monday, i was inducted to the PTA council. so i am official.

We also had Mrs. Kingerys appreciation party. the kindergarteners were thrilled about the goodies we brought. Tuesday i helped out at the preschool getting graduation t-shirts made. friday the 19th was the preschools day at the park. i was a chaperone, so that was fun. Mom and Dad and Grandma came up that night also for hannah's party on Saturday.

The party was a blast. We had 2 boys and Abram, and 8 little girls and Mrs. Catherine. they made their own little goody bags and decorated each other with stickers. then we had a carrot hunt in the yard as they were horses. then it was time for the pinata. Every kid got a try and when it rotated back to the boys (Carson and Nathan) they knocked it off the string. So we threw it up in the air and Chris took a swing . ( One little girl said that was her favorite part. When Hannah's dad went "Ka pow" with the candy)

We came inside and everyone had cupcakes and lemonade and then went to the living room to see her open gifts. she got a lot of neat things and we had an hour of free play. the boys chased the girls with fake lizards and there was much screaming. it was fun! After everyone left, nathan got dressed for his baseball game. it was neat for everyone to come and watch. he did a great job. He and Chris had practiced, so he was doing really well. We went out to eat and then went home. Sunday was church and we just played at home until G and P and great grandma had to go home.

This past monday was catch up day. i came home and slept all morning. then got to work on finishing up some laundry. yesterday, hannah had her 5 year old check up and is 45 inches tall and 45 pounds! he said she was doing great. we are supposed to watch her tonsils and adenoids as he said during the years 5-7, that is the tissue that grows the most and since she has slightly enlarged tonsils anyways, we might make sure they don't hinder her breathing at night. If so, she might have to have them removed. After that, we took her birthday money and she got herself a big girl bike with a basket on it, as well as the sweet shoppe for my little ponies and a my little pony tea set. She is pretty thrilled.

Last night was her graduation. It was really nice. the song they played when they walked in was a doosy! it was called "let them be little". I started to cry. it was then that it dawned on me that they aren't little anymore. i think it will be this summer when reality really hits that they are no longer just mine. it is time for me to send them both out into the world. That is why i am excited about starting up a Mothers In touch group for coleman school. It is a prayer group for moms. One hour a week praying specifically for the school and for our kids. it is all i will be able to do during the day for them now.

today is hannah's last day, and friday is coleman playday. Remember those. 3-legged races, water games, etc. i am excited for it.

Saturday we have a birthday party, and sunday is my last sunday in the 2's and 3's. i am ready.

next week is nathan's last week and Chris and i , I think are going to get away the weekend of the 3rd for our anniversary. probably only go to Kansas City and maybe see a royals game.

He is still waiting to hear about his MTP test results. He has had a really long week. He is determing a lot of things based on what he hears. He HAS to know something by friday, so will let you all know when we do.

if he doesn't score well, he will not move on and his opportunities at Lowes stop where he is. He has really been praying for God to show him what he is MEANT to do.

Other than that, things here have been busy. Hoping that all is well your way and that you are planning a God-centered summer!!
All our love till next time!

Monday, May 07, 2007

Sorry so long!!

Well, first of all, I write this from the desktop when I had really hoped to write from the laptop just so I could post pictures of the FLOOD that is going on here with the missouri river.
It is so wild. Chris and I went to see this morning and we saw 2 refrigerators floating in it as well as enormous trees. I have picts, but the laptop is being stubborn.
I will start from where I left off. Sunday the 29th we met mom and dad in Atchison. We hung out at the train park and ate at Pizza hut. it was nice to see them. We don't get to visit with them often so it was nice to know they still exist. :-)
Monday I spent all day grocery shopping, Tuesday I subbed for Hannah's school in the postition I will have next year. Wednesday I ended up helping the PTA president for next year in the office with a major OOPS and then watched Abram. Thursday we had a couple over for dinner to make new friends. It was really awesome! They are so much fun and Chris and I are really looking forward to growing a relationship with them. Thursday was also Chris MTP test. He said it was a lot easier than he thought, so he either aced it or bombed it. He will know sometime this week or next what his scores are and what that means. Will keep you posted.
Friday I walked with Margaret and did some cleaning. Saturday was the Apple Blossom parade and we went with Brett and Abram. It was a blast!!! That afternoon was Nathan's t-ball practice and we found out that actually it is coach-pitch. He is so excited. He is playing for the Athletics. Sunday we spent the day avoiding the rain. It poured and thundered. Ended up that we got almost 10 inches just yesterday. It had been raining here for about 2 weeks, off and on, so it is a no wonder the rivers are high. The ground is just saturated with water and then we just keep getting rain.
Everyone here is saying that the rivers might crest at where they were in the flood of 1993. Everyone is holding their breath because it all hinges on how much rain and water comes from the tributaries in Iowa and Nebraska and the Dakotas. It is due to get here tomorrow night/ Wednesday. The sirens will sound at 29 feet for the town of Elwood to evacuate and the river sits right now at almost 25 feet.
I will see if Chris can help me to get the pictures posted of the level of water and the floating refrigerators.
Till then, this week is busy. Tomorrow and Thursday I am subbing again for Wyatt Park. They are trying to slowly adjust me to my room for the fall. Friday we go to Lincoln for My little pony live for Hannah's birthday.
So, till next time, All our love!