Hi strangers! Wow, sorry it has been so long. I know that the last time I wrote, it was looking like an easy week. It didn't turn out so simple.
That week we had an ice storm, which put school out on Thursday. We decided to put up our christmas tree and open our first gift, even though it wasn't quite December. Saturday, Hannah decided to go to bed in the afternoon while we were making a gingerbread tree. She woke up crying and said she was dizzy. We took her to Urgent care to find out she had an ear infection in both ears. Chris was headed to the Big 12 game in Kansas City with his friend Coker. They stayed until the 3rd quarter, at which time they were so frozen, they left and went back to Coker's house in Independence and finished the game and drank hot chocolate.
The following week, I guess which would have been this week, Hannah went to the doctor Tuesday for an ear check up and her ears were clear. Dr. Evans said it was probably viral and would have cleared itself up. He said 80% of ear infections are actually viral and can heal themselves. We kept her on the meds, though so that the infection wouldn't affect her bladder and femine areas. I watched Abram Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and today. He is learning to go potty all by himself so that has been fun. He is so little.
Since it iced the week before, Hannah's field trip to Wonderscope was rescheduled to this past Wednesday. It was really neat. An old school converted into a hands-on museum. Each room had a theme. If I can ever get the dial up to do my pictures, I will post some of the trip. Nathans school had an early out, so he got to come with us. there was a room devoted to all the things you could do with balls. One was a space room and another was all about muscles.
Today we went to the kids clinic at Lowes and built a castle out of wood. it was neat. then we went to practice for the children's Christmas program, which is tomorrow afternoon. I actually just got done making sheep vests with ears to go with for several of the kids.
Nathan is a sheep and Hannah is angel #4. she has a speaking part with Jayden Kindley.
It should be really sweet. For any of you who know them, Emily Bledsoe is Mary, Asher Smith is the donkey, Madison Parnell is a shepherd, so is Zach Vega. Zoey Vega is the star. Jagger Lawerence and Zoey Brand are wisemen. it is pretty much the kids say lines as they set the nativity. It should be really sweet. At the end, they all will sing Away in a manger and Jesus loves me (by request of Emily, Madison, and Jayden) I will try to post pictures of that too, if I can.
this week is looking like Hannah's preschool christmas program is Tuesday night. the adult Christmas program is next weekend and Chris is in the choir. His 30th birthday is next Monday.
Hard to believe that Christmas is just a week or two away. I hope that this finds everyone doing well and enjoying the time when we remember that God found "a way in a manger to make a way to the cross".
Sending all our love and wishing everyone a happy holiday season, since we may not get a post on till then. :-)
All our love~~
I hope everyone is doing well. I am hoping to
We can't WAIT to see the pictures. I'm sure it was a sight to behold!
hey lady! Busy busy busy! I'm sure you're as hungery for a break as I am! Glad Hannah's feeling better, I'm glad she didn't have mono like you'd thought! Can't wait to see you for Christmas! 2 weeks!!!
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