Hi all! Wow, compared to the rest of time, this was one LONG week. Lets see, last Sunday, we didn't end up needing to move our sunday school class to the other room; which worked out nicely since we were going to have to spring it on them last minute anyways.
We only had half our class. Most were out sick with stuff that is going around.
Which, Chris had Sunday off, so we spent the afternoon together.
Monday, Nathan had picked up a persistant cough along with a low grade fever, so it was off to the doctor with him. Dr. Evans said that is was probably a respiratory infection coming on and he put him on an antibiotic along with recommending that we "stablize" his environment, which means no outside recess, straight to school and straight home. No extra activities and stuff. Just taking it easy and trying not to be in extreme changes too much.
So, we started that and he rested most of Monday. Tuesday he went back to school. Hannah and I hung out as she was a really good helper all day. We worked on some house cleaning and then we went to the library. We picked up Nathan, who seemed to be much better. Called Aunt Karen that evening and visited with her and then to bed.
Wednesday, it was off to school for both kids and I watched Abram all day. Chris was off, so he spent the morning sleeping in, and the afternoon working on his school work. Abram and I played and then rested before picking up the kids. We read some books when the kids got home and then Brett picked up Abram. We had pizza from Pizza Hut for supper and then spent the evening hanging out. Thursday, it was kind of a gross day, so Hannah and I worked on our special project (Karen's idea for Christmas). That was fun. We ran to Walmart to pick up some supplies to work on it. Then I got online to check some email and Hannah played in her room. Only to find out later that playing in her room was actually drawing on the wall with a pencil.
She had to wash it off. We went and got Nathan and did the regular routine. Home, look at stuff from school, daily chores, play, supper, pick up stuff, baths, stories, bedtime.
Friday was Hannah's school's field trip to the apple orchard. I dropped off nathan at school first since I was driving for the field trip. hannah, her friends Gage and Carson rode in the car. It was a yucky morning for it too. not raining, but cloudy, grey and cold. they got their apples and pumpkins and then we headed back to school. I dropped her off and then met Chris at Lowes for lunch. We had laughed about not getting to go out anymore on real dates, so we met for lunch. We went to Rib Crib. it was really nice to spend the 40 minutes together.
i came home and took a nap after that. After the entire week of getting up every 2 hours to administer medication or to check on Nathan, I was exhausted. woke up from the nap to get the kids from school and then chris got home. We did our usual night schedule only instead of books, we watched a movie on our bed.
Saturday, Chris was off, so we let him sleep in and there was grocery shopping to do. The kids, however, were having so much fun together that they didn't want to go with me to teh store, so I went alone. i was done in time to come home for lunch. chris had finished his homework and tests and we got ready to make a surprize trip somewhere.
We had talked to mom and Dad about meeting them in Lawerence to pick up the fold-up bed for when Uncle Dave will be here to spend the night. We didn't tell the kids, but we were meeting them for supper. While we got ready for that, the kids played with Joey, Abbie, jamison and Abram outside, since it was like 75. We left for lawerence about 3:30, thinking that if we got there a little early, we could see the town. We saw some paratroopers on our way down. Nathan thought that was cool.
We got to lawerence about 5 and hit the walmart there to go to the bathroom after wandering around. We headed back to the meeting place (Burger King) and by this time, the kids had figured out who it was we were meeting. About 6, Mom and Dad pulled up and the kids were shouting out the window at them.
We drove to the visitor's center and train station, hoping to find a train and an idea of where was a good place to eat. We then drove through downtown, before heading to IHOP.
We ate there and then loaded up the truck with the fold-up bed and the bike. We said our goodbyes and headed home. It was a lot of fun!
Today, the choir sang in church again. it was nice. With the time change, it wasn't so impossible to go to the 8 service. Hopefully we can get into a routine of that from now on. Found out from Sarah charley that the people working the 4yr old room were actually ready to give it up and wondered if Rebecca and I could do 2,3 & 4's. She told them that wouldn't really solve our problem, but that she would work on replacing them. by the end of the church services, Jamie and Brad lawerence had offered to permanently teach that group. so, as of NEXT sunday, we will be combining the groups and trying to go from there. After church, we came home ate lunch and then the kids played a little more with Abbie before we needed to go to Seth Browns house ( a kid in Nathan's kindergarten class). I am one of the kindergarten room parents along with Seth's mom. We were getting together to finalize some stuff for their fall party on Tuesday. The kids played and had a great afternoon. It was really nice to get to visit with another mom too and make a new friend. We got home, ate supper and then everyone was ready for bed. Techincally it is 7pm, but it feels like 8, so everyone is off to bed. Extra rest can only do good, since we all have been coughing and nathan could realy use the rest for his lungs.
I am ready for bed too, sadly.
Well, that is about it. I hope this finds everyone doing well and maybe thinking of relaxing in the presence of God's grace and love.
I know I am going to try to as the next week rolls along.
All our love!
1 comment:
Sounds like you have been busy. Sounds like Hannah is having some issues too. I don't want to be "the advice giver" but Heidi has a book we heard about on Focus on the Family called "Creative Corrections" (I think. It is packed in a box so I can't confirm that title) but it has really helped her in her nannying. Each kid is different and that book is full of different ways of approaching discipkline in different situations. It has some really great ideas. Anyway, just thought it might help. Keep writing! we keep tabs on your blog and check it almost daily!
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