Wednesday, October 11, 2006

So many things I have forgotten

Well, lets see. The last time I was on, my brain had a melt down..
Monday was Wendy's night for Coleman school, so we went, after pulling Nathan's top tooth, as pictured in the last blog. He really enjoyed that. I had watched Abram that day and the kids enjoyed playing outside one more time before the cold.
Tuesday, Chris was off again and ended up chatting online with a friend from Nebraska while Hannah and I went to storytime at the libary. We checked out a bunch of books and finally got some boxes mailed. (It is coming, Tim and Heidi!!!:-)
We went by the mall to see the library's book sale that they have every year. We found the story of Ferdiand the bull. I hadn't read that in years. We are going to go by tomorrow, when they have their, by box of books for $1. We stuck all the ones we wanted together in a certain area. Hopefully they will still be there.
After that, we headed home and played Strawberry friends until I went to get Nathan.
I have been really exhausted lately. I can't decide if it is me, my PMDD, the weather, the fact that Chris rarely is around and when he is he wants to do anything but help me around the house, or a combo of all of the above. I told myself I had to give up coffee. I was getting addicted to it. It was the only way I was functioning, and yet I felt like i was on drugs. We will see how long i can survive without. "-)
We called and visited with my sister Karen Tuesday night too. It was nice to catch up with her a little and to hear that she is doing good.
Ok, Wednesday, that would be today. In my tiredness, I took the kids to school and watched Abram again. Wow, he was into everything!! I kept my cool, and tried to be entertaining, but i was so relieved when it was naptime. I rested on the couch, but I was steaming a little. Chris decided he wasn't feeling well, when I woke him up when i got home and slept all day and called into work. I wanted to be sympathetic, but i was jealous that he was sleeping all day long and i was so tired.
We picked up Hannah and then Nathan. They played "Wrap up the burrito" with Abram for a while before his dad came to take him home. "Wrap the burrito" is pretty much wrapping a blanket around someone lying on the ground and then that person coming out of the blanket.
We had supper and read a bunch of stories before bed.
I am sleeping on the couch tonight, just incase Chris is contagious.
I hope this finds you all well. Oh,yeah, i added another link.
My youngest sister and her husband started a blog. Check it out if you get the time to.
well, am signing off. All our love!!

1 comment:

Angel said...

I can't get your blog to come up.
I typed it up and I added it as a link, but it tells me I don't know what I am talking about.