Monday, October 09, 2006

"All I want for Christmas is my 2 front teeth!"

Well, as you can see, Mr. Nathan has lost his front two teeth within the last week or two. He is excited that he can drink with a straw without opening his teeth.
A lot of things have happened since I last posted. For one, it is now October. How wierd is that!
We went to church the 1st, and heard Chris sing. It was really nice. He really enjoyed it!
The kids thought it was awesome. They were so proud of their dad.
Lets see. Last Monday, the kids went to school and I didnt' watch Abram, so I did some work around the house. Tuesday Hannah and I went to the library for the first storytime. It was about apples. Really nice. We went to Hobby Lobby for fun and then home. That afternoon, Chris was home, and Hannah had fallen asleep. I went to get Nathan from school and when I got back, Hannah had woken up and was crying. She was having a migraine. We put her to bed after giving her some ibprofen and reading up on what to do.
By morning, she was better. We are watching her. So far not another one.
Wednesday the kids were in school and I had Abram for the day. We played and he had a nap while I cleaned up the kitchen. After picking up Hannah, we got home and Brett picked up Abram before we got Nathan. He was upset, but he had an early out Thursday, so he looked forward to seeing Abram then.
When he got out early around 1:30, they(he and Chris) were going fishing with Charlie at 3. Hannah and Abram and I had made a leaf pile, so for the couple of hours before their big fishing trip, they spent time jumping and fluffing and rolling around in them.
At 3, they went to get Charlie and then took his boat to a lake. Nathan was so excited about it. He caught a bass and heard coyotes. He loved it! Hannah and I watched a girly movie and hung out. The boys got home around 9. Nathan was so tired, but it was like the best day, he said ever.
Friday, the kids were in school and I rested. Saturday, we played outside and went to the Child Identification Program sponsored by the Shriners. Really neat.
Ok, getting tired. Sunday church and playing with Abbie. Today school, watching Abram and Nathan lost the 2nd tooth.
Ok, am signing off for a day when my brain is on. All our love!!

1 comment:

Tim and Heidi Thomas said...

Way to go Nathan! look at those holes! Great to hear the latest on everything AND your teeth! How is school?
