Here are pictures from our spring break trip. We decided Saturday that we were going, and loaded up our bags. We headed to Mom and Dad's sunday after church for a pit stop on our way to St. Joe. They were working on the cafe roof, so it was fun to go up there and have a meal. We also stopped by the cemetary where my grandparents are buried. It had been 2 years since I had been by there. We met a very hungry white cat who got the leftover of our cold sonic fries. She was really grateful. Monday we headed to St. Joe, as Brett and Amy were expecting us to come and stay at least one day. I wasn't sure what we had planned for the week except that Chris wanted us back early. We went by their apartment to see if anyone was home and Brett and the kiddos were there. Abram was so excited to see us. We all visited and played and caught up. It was really nice. Amy was at work, so when she got home and Brett headed off to work, it was visiting all over again. The kids were so excited about being together again, that we didn't get them calmed down and in bed until 10:30. Abram kept saying, "We will sleep tomorrow". And "Remember when you lived where those people stole your house.". It was so wonderful to see them again. Tuesday we woke up and Amy had made us eggs, biscuits and bacon. We spent the morning playing until recess at Coleman. Abram didn't want us to leave. He started crying, so we left all our stuff there and promised we would be back.
At recess, you would have thought the kids were the president of the united states. The 1st graders were out first and when rumor got around that Nathan was here, wow, he got flocked. You can tell in the picture that he was surrounded. He went in with them to see Ms. Milbourn, who was estatic to see him too. He stayed for math lesson while Hannah and I went to see Mrs. Kingery and her friends. They all remembered her too. They had her picture up on their Classmates wall. She was a little out of her element when we went to recess. Everyone swarmed her too. They were glad everyone remembered them, but were ready to go after all the people asking questions and such. It was great. We got 3 happy meals and then headed back to Brett and Amy's to see how Abram was doing. We had said we would head back to Mom and Dad's that night, as Mom was planning a lunch with Grandma, Lorrie, Aunt Joy and Leah the next day. I really wanted to stay longer, but we promised we would be back with a longer stay. It was hard for Abram to understand. it was like us moving all over again. Broke my heart!!
We headed to Mom and Dad's about 3;30 and got back in time to wash laundry and have showers and get to bed at a decent time. The next day, Joy, Leah, Lorrie, Rowdy, and Grandma got there for lunch. It was great to see them all. It had been since August of last year. Rowdy wasn't on the move then. He sure was there. What a sweetie!! Lorrie had a dentist appointment and Rowdy was ready to go see Grandpa, so they all left after a couple hours of visiting. Grandma stayed as Karen and Mary were due to arrive later that evening. We had originally planned to go home that evening but decided to stay so we could see them. It wasn't like we would have seen Chris that night anyways, so we headed out Thursday am.
Then was the surprize that I posted about earlier and Easter sunday. We went to Great-grandma and Grandpas for lunch. Brent and Sarah were able to make it, so the kids were glad to be together again!! Hannah was glad to be with Great-grandpa too. When we got there, she gave great-grandma some flowers she had picked out for her and then went straight to looking for "Papa". When she found him, she crawled right up in his lap. I think he gets ticked at her liking ot be near him. We headed home right along with everyone else around 3 so that Chris could sleep and we could get ready for heading back to school. I think that catches me up, minus posting some pictures from a while back. Maybe next time I am on.
Some general updates: Chris is not going to Mustang. Instead they are moving him back to days to be in charge of Zone 1, which is inside and outside garden. Reason being they need someone with experience to help with the "100 days". He said that after doing this, he has been in charge of every zone in the entire store in 6 months. He is looking forward to days and gaining the knowledge and experience to forward his career.
Another update, we have been checking into how much it would take and what the odds are of buying a house out near where Chris grew up and it looks like doors are swinging really open at the possiblity. A lady in that area sent us a post of a house that is right down the street from Bridge Creek, and is near hwy 9, which would give Chris close access to work. It is a 3bed, 2 bath house and is all electric; which would save us over $200 a month right now alone. We will know more, but it looks like it might be a go and a go for the beginning of summer. WE aren't for sure, but we are praying Gods will be done. Ok, now that I have written a novel, I hope you all have a great weekend. My actual birthday is tomorrow. We are planning on going to the Omniplex and maybe the memorial. The kids baked me a really nice cake tonight and will decorate it in the morning while I "sleep in". I am looking forward to hanging out with them!!
I will post picts of that all when I get to it next week. Until then, God bless and keep Him first!!