Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry belated Christmas and a happy new year!

Merry late Christmas!
It has been way too long since my last post and I was having a melt down.
The weekend away with my siblings helped. So much fun!!!
It went way too fast, though. Let me see, before that, I took Nathan to our new doctor/ physicians assistant. Pretty much, they didn't have anything else to say to us but to keep doing what we were doing, so that was helpful.
We headed up to Kansas early Friday because we knew that snow was on the way and wanted to be in Wichita before it got there. We got to Wichita about 3, due to horrible fog. We hung out at Target and then went over to the hotel. We got to be in a room and we were there only about 30 minutes before Dad arrived. WE hung out and brought in all the holiday goodies before deciding to head to Karen's baccalaurate. Because of the snow out west, we got a call from her that she wasn't going to make it. We stayed for half of it and then met her at the hotel to eat supper and head to bed.

The next morning we got up and Karen got ready for the graduation while the kids, my dad and I went downstairs to get some breakfast. While we were down there, Mary and Jon arrived. We all headed out shortly after that. The graduation was really nice. Mom and Dad had reserved a room at Ryans for a reception. Due to the weather, it was us as well as my brother,Tim and his wife, Heidi from Oregon, my sister Mary and her husband Jon, Karen, and my parents as well as some friends from Dodge who had been to Wichita the day before for a doctors appointment. It was small but really nice.
Everyone went back to the hotel for a nap after that, since Tim and Heidi didn't get in until really early that morning. Mom and Dad went to the hot tub and Jon and Mary went shopping for a refrigerator. After a failed attempt at a nap, our giggle fest with Karen went downstairs to the pool. WE hung out there for a while and then made it upstairs to eat holiday goodies and read the Bible and talk about what Christmas means to all of us. It was a really awesome time.
We also found out at that moment in time that Tim and Heidi are expecting their first baby in August. WE were all really excited. They actually posed it to everyone this way as we were getting ready to pray for supper. Tim says, "Heidi and I have an announcement to make. We saved a lot of money by switching to Geico." We all laugh and then he says, " No really, we have decided to open up our own bakery." Now, they are notorious for changing their lives about once every 3 months, so I think some of us thought they were doing a career switch until Tim patted Heidi's stomach and said, "We already have a bun in the oven.
Everyone is really excited about it. Heidi was feeling pretty sick, so we all understood the "flight sickness" carrying into the next day.
Of course, during all this, my kids get really tired from all the activity and take a nap at like 7pm. We woke them up when we were done with our Bible study at like 8:30. WE opened gifts and had a lot of fun. Nathan's hip was bothering him so he opened gifts in bed with ice on his leg. Hannah was our dramatic gift opener, with the highlight being a stuffed book from Jon and Mary and the cowgirl set from Karen. Picts below. Nathan got an HO scaled train set from my dad as well as a nascar movie.

After opening gifts, we played the game Apples to apples. It was a blast. By this time, as much as everyone wants to continue the fun, it is moving on midnight. We all head to bed, knowing the fun will end in the morning with everyone parting ways.
WE wake up, and load up cars, along with snowball fights and a prayer meeting in the lobby. It was really encouraging to be with everyone. The only sad part was that Chris wasn't there. I really wanted him to be a part of all of it. My family is such a blessing to me and they continued to surround us in prayer as we were there, adding comments and reminders I could take home with me. It helped so much!! I am so blessed.

We headed to the mall and hung out there a little before Karen had to head to Dodge for a bell concert. Tim, Heidi, and my dad were headed that direction so we all said our goodbyes. Mary and Jon were off in search of their refrigerator and Mom was headed home alone to go back to school. WE headed south as well.
Monday I met Chris' aunt Lisa and his grandma in Yukon to help shop for Christmas gifts. In their family it is a great honor to be asked to help with this notorious project. We went to many places and ended up doing a bunch at Walmart. I headed home later that evening, thankful that Chris had the day off and could pick up the kids from school. I got home around 6pm.

The next day was Chris' birthday. I let him sleep in, which was good so I could bake his birthday cake. I took him out to lunch at Teds and then we went shopping with his birthday money. He got Lost 3 with a Borders discount which was his best part. WE picked up the kids and then headed home so he could open his gifts and eat a piece of cake. Then it was off to Incredible Pizza on the north side of the city to play and eat. We got there and played a bunch of games and mini golf and then ate. WE headed home around 9pm. It was a great day.
When we got everyone to bed, we returned a message from my brother, who was wondering if he and Heidi could come down.

So, Wednesday, they came to Oklahoma, Heidi's first trip. They gave me time to clean up the house and when they arrived, Chris got home too. We all played legos, and Chris grilled hamburgers. Then we vegged and watched Frosty the snowman on CBS and Chris' new Brian Regan DVD. WE headed to bed and the following morning I took Tim and Heidi to see the kids school and Chris' lowes before they headed to OKC to see the bombing memorial. They were on their way back to Mom and Dad's after that as I was on my way to help with Hannah's class party.
It was a lot of fun having them here. Nathan said it about right, when we were on the way to school. He said, "Mom, I really like having them around. Wouldn't it be neat if they were our neighbors." I sure enjoyed the short time we had with them. I really do miss them often!
Friday it didn't slow down any. I had gotten a call that Grandma needed me to help her with a little more shopping before Tuesday. Could the kids and I help her out? We went up and the kids did great. They pushed the shopping cart while I wheeled Grandma in the wheelchair. They did awesome. In return, they got lunch and a book and a coloring book. They had a great time. While I helped her unload and put away, they played with her dog, Tagger. They actually didn't want to leave, but it was a rush to see who would get home first. Chris got off work, but with a flat tire and Noel and Lorna (Chris' parents) were due to arrive. We were last, as traffic was pretty crazy. Norman on a friday night at 5.

We did Christmas with them Saturday morning as the snow fell hard. It was nice to have them here too. We played games, put together puzzles, made a wooden Nascar and all kids of stuff. Then we braved the elements to meet with Brent and Sarah in Yukon to exchange gifts. Noel and Lorna went on up to stay with Grandma and Grandpa till Wednesday, when they would head to Tennessee to see her folks.

Sunday we went to Journey church here in Norman. it was a really neat service. Live nativity and some awesome music as well as a candlelight communion. We then decided we would see a movie so all 4 of us went to see Enchanted. Really good movie!!! Promotes marriage and thinking about who you marry before you do and believing in things you can't see. Great!!

We also made snowmen on top of Chris' truck. WE had yet to really play in the snow. Good thing, because by the time we got home from our trip to walmart, it was all gone.

We decided to open our gifts on Christmas eve since Chris had it off so that we all could enjoy mroe time together playing and such. It was really nice. The kids gave us the best gift of all. WE slept in until 9am before opening gifts. After opening gifts, we had pizza and played with all our goodies. The kids let us sleep in again Christmas day, this time until close to 10. They were so content playing on their own. Chris and I remarked that we have the most awesome kids in the whole world. WE really are becoming more and more grateful for that fact that God has gifted us special as a family. We really enjoyed our time together while Chris was off.

Thats about it. The rest of this week looks like just hanging out and getting ready to go back to school. I am looking to get a job this spring to help Chris out, so that will be on our list of things to do. Other than that, we are looking ahead to this next year, hoping that we can see more of God. I was reminded the other day when talking to Hannah that "it isn't about me. it is all about God. I will choose my attitude to be like Jesus" and a verse I read the other day is my motto for this new year. Exodus 9:13 says, "I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth."
We are hoping that maybe spring break we can make a trip to Missouri and see our friends there and keep our heads to the sky. God will guide us as long as we are looking his way.
We thank you all for the prayers. WE are still taking it one day at a time, but like I said before, we recognized that last few weeks that God equipted our family special and that is something to hang onto. Hoping you all had a great holiday season and wishing you a wonderful new year!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

What else could go wrong?

That has been the phrase this past week as things have been really rough here. If you have seen national news, you know that we got slammed with ice here. I am going to try to post the picts of our back yard. We saved a baby bird in the process. his tail feathers were frozen in a block of ice. we thawed him and set him free.

But lets go back to when I last wrote. My parents came and we had a great time at the train show. it was cold, but taking my dad and nathan was like going to a chocolate shop for chocolate lovers. They had so much fun. We all did. there were 2 pink trains, so Hannah thought that was awesome. She also loved the magic show they had. Nathan loves seeing all the displays and the lego train set. he also loves shopping with papa and grandma.

Mom had a little bit of pnemonia, so i felt bad that she had to cough so much. We even celebrated my dad's birthday and watched ou beat my tigers. It was a nice weekend.

The rest of the week, Tuesday I began a volunteer opportunity at the local nursing home. I went in and played bingo with a bunch of the ladies and colored with them as well. it was a lot of fun. they are a neat group. i am looking forward to getting to know them. I decided to do that beacuse I figured at this time of year, they are as lonely as I am. I can reach out and share myself to them and accept them where they are and maybe they can do the same for me.

Wednesday Nathan came home with bruises on his face and his shin. When asking him what was going on, he said he had slipped that the playground. thought nothing of it until he was up at 4am complaining his leg hurt. I thought maybve growing pain so we sent him to school the following day with that. he complained when we got home that it still hurt, so I called the doctor we have yet to see and they said as long as he had no fever and his leg wasn't hot, he could wait until Monday for our appointment.

He was up Thursday night too with pain and friday morning was sobbing about how much it hurt. Chris and I thought maybe a pulled muscle and heated it and iced it and sent him to school again, not being able to find a reason to keep him home. when I picked him up, he collapsed into my arms crying about the pain. When we got home he fell asleep and so I thought maybe it was the combination of lack of sleep and the muscle and so I let him sleep. Saturday it was worse so we went into the ER. Upon 2 x-rays, they determined he did not have a broken bone but he had what is called hip pointer. pretty much it is a deep bruise to his hip bone at the place where it connects to his leg. Usually found in football players who get hit direct with a helmet. It can alsom come form a hard fall. they put him on some codene for the pain. Well, Sunday it began to ice here. Really bad. And nathan began to break out in a rash on his leg, so we quit giving him the codene and waited to see if the power would go out. Sunday came and went and we were good. Lots of thunder, rain, ice and sleet. Everything got covered in about 1 1/2 inches of ice. by monday the doctor called to cancel the appointment. no power to the east side of norman. more thunder and heavy rain to fall on the already burden power lines and trees. By now, nathan's leg is covered in a wierd rash and he is sobbing of the pain, so chris and i decided to give him a half dose of the codene just for pain. surely the rash will go away. then the power goes out. We try to find out where to go and my mom called Chris with a shelter to go to.

Of course, all this time Chris is at work becaues everyone needs salt and sand and generators and heaters, so we are doing all this via the phone. We go to the shelter at a local church and they feed us and put us up for a while.

By 9:30, Chris calls to say we have power back on at the house and to head home. He will be there about 11. We go back after being grateful for the kindness of strangers.

In all of this, I am going on small amounts of sleep and am just wishing we were back in st. joe, where it is home. Friday after sending nathan back to school hurting, Chris was crying about how he wondered if moving to norman wasn't the biggest mistake we had ever made. he is working all the time for the same pay. our cost of living is incredible and mostly it is utility bills. And on top of all that. with all the rain and ice, we have discovered that our roof has a huge leak in it. we have trash cans in closets and doorways and stuff catching water that is pouring into our home. the wall behind the kitchen that the back side of it is the garage, the ceiling in the garage is falling down and the wall is beginning to buckle. I am trying to keep strong, but am wondering myself what God is doing.

not much has seemed to go right. we rarely see Chris, Hannah isn't doing so well at school, the apartment is crumbling and we can't find a doctor we can trust. we had all those things going for us in st joe. we knew doug evans well and trusted him with our lives and knew that if we had an emergency he would be there. And our aparment we could count on joann to have an answering service and cell phone incase of emergency. Mrs. Kingery was the best teacher ever, there was much adult supervision at coleman recess where as here it seems to lack. I just miss missouri so much it makes me sick. and the most horrible thing is that we can't go back. we feel so stuck. we want to see God in this like we did before but with everythign crumbling around us and all, it is so hard to see Him right now.

Please be praying for us. we are really struggling right now. I am just looking towards Christmas, but am dreading the possiblity that with all that is going on with the roof and stuff that we may have to move out of our apartment and go somewhere else. I am looking forward to the coming weekend with my siblings and hope that the getaway will be good for us all. maybe it will get me to quit eating to comfort my lack of securty and maybe i can get some focus.

we love you all and hope you are warm and dry. will post again later with more updates. looking to the skies to see a savior,
