Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just another Sunday?...

Hi all! Just getting on to let you in our day today.
We got up in time to head to church at 9:30. Since Caleb's, Nathan's best friends, birthday party was at 1pm and we weren't sure if we went to 11 service if we would have time for lunch, Chris went to church and I taught my class.
It was a good day in the 2's and 3's. I just love being in there every Sunday morning. It wasn't as full as it usually is, which was nice. We were talking about Jesus ascending into heaven. I am always amazed at how much they know. You would think with my own kids I wouldn't be, but I am. My helper Rebecca is so much good in there too. She is such an encouragement and is so good with the kids. Anyways, the kids bring me so much cheer. After teaching, we headed home at 11:15 to do lunch.
Upon arriving at the party, I remembered that Caleb's grandparents own Breadeaux Pizza here in town and they were providing lunch. We politely ate pizza, but were stuffed to the max.

It was a fun party. Caleb thinks Spiderman is cool, so it had the whole spider webs in the window thing going on. Nathan was really excited to be there. After eating pizza, Caleb opened his gifts and then we ate cake. The gifts were then used as entertainment for the next 30 minutes before everyone needed to head home.
Caleb is such a good friend to Nathan and it is so much fun to see him with a Best Bud.
We will have to keep them together over the summer. They will be in the same school next year for kindergarten, so they are excited about that.
After the party, we came home to a break in the rain, so the kids rode their bikes and splashed in the puddles in our parking lot. We finished the afternoon/evening out by reading some books we had gotten from the library, baths, and playing police with hot wheels.

Tomorrow Nathan has exchange day at school which means all the kids will travel in small groups from one teacher to another with all the classes mixed. He is excited about what will happen in the other classrooms. As for Hannah and I, I think a day of ponies is in the works as well as finishing the dishes.
Am off to fold some laundry stacked on the bed and then I think Chris and I will watch Chronicles of Narnia while heading to bed. We haven't watched it yet since we bought it. We were finishing up Lois and Clark, Season 1.
Well, more later!!

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Starting this..

Hello all! We have some friends who have one of these and when I am wondering what is going on in their world, it is nice to get on and see that they are alright and that God is always with them.
I got to thinking that others might wonder the same thing about us and our family, and so I thought I should just make a point of getting on a couple of times a week and writing.

So, here goes...
Today it was rainy here. The kids have really been wanting to go back to the "train walking place" which is really the St. Joseph Riverwalk. When it was nice, we were taking Nathan's bike and the stroller and walking the 2-miles. It was really good exercise for all of us. Anyways, so they are getting antsy for the rain to go away and for nice weather to return.

Last weekend we went to Oklahoma City to help Mom Crosswhite with a garage sale. They are moving to Texas/Louisiana due to the GM plant in OKC closing. We ended up only doing the garage sale Friday because of such success. She made quite a bit and with only a couple of boxes to donate to Goodwill. So we ended up on Saturday going to the park and getting the kids pictures taken. It was really nice getting to spend some time with her. It has been so amazing to see God working in this situation of theirs. I am in constant amazement as He moves.

Anyways, the roughest part was the trip home. We drove right though some pretty intense storms. It was really scary for me.
We are on countdown for my sister's wedding. Only a couple more weeks and we will be headed that direction. In between now and then, we have many things up our sleeves. This next week will be a doosy. On Tuesday is the Curious George event at the Civic center that the kids really want to go to. On Wednesday is Nathan's first T-ball practice and we finish the week out with a urologist appointment for Hannah. She has been struggling with constanly having bladder infections. When they sent the survey, they were asking questions in regards to her symptoms and I am more interested in what they have to say about her endocrine system. It looks to me like that might be some of the cause. Something to pray about.
The following Monday is Nathan's preschool graduation and the week after that is Hannah's 4th birthday. Doesn't seem possible. One of these days I am going to skitz about the fact that my time at home with them is over, but for right now, I am tryiing to focus on the time I have.

Well, I need to get to bed. I am teaching Sunday school in the 2's and 3's and after church we are going to Nathan's best friend, Caleb's birthday party.
I am looking forward to writing to you about what is going on in our world and seeing what you might reply.
Always in His care and seeking to live more for Him,